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I crochet every single day and I find it so relaxing - so why am I all stressed out about crocheting!!! I feel so much pressure.


I'm putting together a very large afghan for a charity project. Next time I must do 12" squares - not 8". It's not at all hard, but it's very time consuming! The squares are all different patterns and different yarn thicknesses, so it's taking time. I'm not even half way done - we want to donate this for Thanksgiving and I have lots of time, but I'm feeling pressure. I'm very uncomfortable working on it. It's so big so I'm up and down and moving around trying to get at it from all sizes, and as the afghan grows it gets physically harder to do. I just started seeing a chiropractor for my headaches, and I haven't had a headache in 6 days (thats amazing) but as he does the adjustments, my back hurts, so this is difficult, and I don't want to let anyone down.


Then my mom's birthday is Dec 6. I bought her a beautiful tea pot and bag coasters, and I want to make her a cozy. I have the yarn, and I know that if I use Cupcakes popcorn pattern I can finish it in 2 evenings, but I need to get the afghan done first.


I'm making my tree ornaments for a card exchange, and I must do several more, but they can wait until after the afghan and cozy.


My grand-niece was born on Sat, and I'm making Crochet Kim's personalized blanket for her. This will be for Christmas.


And I committed to make two ripple afghans for a friend. She knows that I have to finish other stuff first, but she paid a lot for the yarn, and I feel guilty not starting yet.


I must finish the afghan first.

Then the tea cozy.

The tree ornaments are FAST and I can work on them in the car (when hubby is driving) or in between other chores.

As soon as the cozy is done I'll need to get in gear with the baby blanket or I'll never finish. And I wanted to make a second one for my husbands nieces baby girl :(


And I should do all that before I start the ripples.


But I haven't done any charity work for a few weeks and holidays are coming and I feel badly that I haven't made chemo caps for the holiday!


Having fun isn't supposed to be this stressful!

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I'm stressing out just reading your post :) I've been reading about all these projects people have finished for Christmas and I'm so behind. (I've only finished one afghan for Christmas so far.) But I know that I can do all the others and I just bet that once you get this afghan finished, everything else will fall into place! Of course I'm not really getting much done spending my breaks from work reading everyone's posts. Good luck and hang in there!

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It will be okay. i feel your pain of the stress. Commitng yourself to projects then realizing it may be to many at a time. Take one day at a time. Maybe put your charity afghan on hold for a day or two and start on one of your other projects, then go back to afghan. That's what I do.

Let me share a small story. I am making a baby blanket for gift for a guy at work. Well, I have restarted this blanket five times, because I just couldn't get it. So I really don't like the last start (it's done now), but I had to put it down and work on something else for a dew days, cause I just didn't want to work on it, due to the restarting over and over and over again.

So, keep your chin up and take a day at a time and everything will work out just fine.


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Ladies if you make your crochet hobby something that causes undue stress then it will become something no longer fun or enjoyable.


I know all about wanting to get things done and adding a dozen other things that you would like to make for youself, family and friends. Don't worry at it or you will hate it. Do what you can do and let the rest go.

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Ha! We fun ourselves into a frenzy!

You're all right of course, and I do know that I'll get everything done. The ripples will wait and all the "deadlines" that I've put on myself will be met.


It's the first time that I've ever stressed about crochet, and I really think it's just that I'm feeling pressure to get the afghan joined and edged. We want the family to get it by Thanksgiving so at the latest I can send it priority mail on the 2oth. that gives me two full weekends. If I can get everything joined this weekend. I should be able to edge it in a few nights and then I might be able to send it regular mail!


Once that is done, everything else will fall into place. :)

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Why do we do this to ourselves?


Because it is the holidays and giving a handmade gift is so much more personal, blah, blah, blah. (I really do mean that)


And I need the stress so I can freak out over whether they will like it or not, did I pick the right colors etc, etc, etc, We are just nuts thats all.


If I get something store bought I don't worry about it at all. Whats up with that?

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I too feel your stress. I know how you must feel. I deal with a lot of stress but mine is a bit different. I find knitting and crocheting to be a great help.

It seems to me that You are wearing yourself thin with all the projects for other people.

I would pick a few projects for those who are really closest to me.

And I think I would try to make something really special for myself .

I know how you feel I like to give gifts of my needle work too; but it takes a lot of energy out of us.

Also making something something for yourself will please you too.

Take time out for yourself too. Maybe one day after from crocheting to do another loved needlework. :hug for you. pinkroses

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Breathe in, and breathe out....


Do what I do - make a plan. sit with your handy little calendar, figure out how much time you can crochet a day without pain and fatigue. Then figure out how much time it will take you to do a segment of each project. Then put it down on your calendar. "X" squares of afghan each day until T-Giving. Then move onto the next project. If you can plan it all out on your calendar before they're due (in realistic fashion) then you will feel better that it IS possible, just follow schedule. If you CAN'T plan it all out, well.....you need to move something back or cut it out entirely. Find where you've got some give room and do it....


You will not be FIT to do any charity caps if you run yourself down worrying and stressing... There will be plenty of time after the holiday.


Breathe in, breathe out...... :D

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I have the same problem - I stress out over all the projects I have planned.


I look at it this way - the baby blanket I'm making for my daughter's OT; if she doesn't get it before she goes on maternity leave, she'll get it when she comes back. A baby blanket is just as good for a two month old as it is for a newborn. It's not like they go bad, either babies or blankets, lol! So, while that does have a bit of a deadline, I can pick it up and put it down as needed.


I'm making my daughter a poncho - it's getting chilly here in the mornings, but she does have a sweater and won't freeze to death without the poncho. So, again, no deadline. She'll love the poncho whenever she gets it.


I'm making three comfortghans for the children of friends. I want them to be done for Christmas, but if I don't get them done in time to send them to Hawai'i and Australia for Christmas morning, my friends are not going to send them back because they were late. Gifts are always welcome, and when it comes to handmade gifts, being late is understandable. Better to take your time and make it well, than rush and have it unravel, right? So, there goes the stress on those blankies.


For you, I'd say do one small project next week and don't touch the monsterghan. If you work on it while you are so stressed out, you'll make mistakes and you'll just wind up having to frog something later on.


One of my rules is I don't crochet after 11:00 pm (I make too many mistakes) and I don't crochet when I'm getting stressed about it. I put it down for a bit and either come online and pattern surf or I go bake something.


Oh, and for your Mom, maybe make a little coaster for her teacup out of the beautiful yarn to go in her birthday gift, with a few tea cozy patterns, and let her pick the pattern she likes. That way, you don't HAVE to make the tea cosy right away, and you get extra mom points for letting her pick her own pattern, but she still gets a little peek at the yarn you chose for her and a little something to go with the tea set.


If you WANT to start the ripples, start the ripples next week. It's better to work on something you WANT to do for a while than to force yourself to work on something that is causing you physical pain.


Remember, this is your hobby, not a job!


If you want to do some chemo caps, or Caps to the Capital hats, go ahead.


If the monsterghan isn't done by Thanksgiving day, will the charity you are giving it to still accept it and distribute it after Turkey day? Maybe change the "due date" to Christmas, so you have more time to work on it?


Oh, and eat a brownie. That helps everything!

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:lol Eat a brownie. Love it!!!


The monsterghan is really the one stressful thing. I am officially half way done joining. I think I can get it all joined this weekend and then I have a week to edge it. It has SOOOO many colors that I'm thinking just a very simple two color border will due.


That's really the only stressful thing. I'm making it for a group of us, and I don't want to let people down. It's going to a family who recently lost their father/husband in Iraq. There is a story about them on the blog linked above. The world won't come to an end if it gets there for Christmas instead of Thanksgiving, but I'll feel good getting it out.


If I don't get the tea cozy done, I still have the pot and coasters to give my mom, and I can make the cozy for holidays instead of birthday.


I only need 3 more Trees to get my cards for the exchange done, and that will take a half hour to get all three done.


The baby blanket for my great - nieces - well, I'd love to have them for Christmas. There is a possibility that I can get one done for Christmas, but NO way I can get both done. That's ok. They're not going to grow up so fast that I can't send them later.


Last night my hubby, who is so so supportive of my crochet, told me that I'm acting a bit obsessive compulsive. He said that I spend every moment that I'm not working or sleeping crocheting. That, of course, isn't true, but its not that far from the truth. So.......

I'll get the afghan done and the rest will get done when it does. I know that two ripples will take time - they'll get done....eventually. :)


Thanks everyone for all the support. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way sometimes. And like someone said, this is why I haven't joined any swaps or "alongs". I want to, they seem so fun, but if I can't keep up I'll be very hard on myself and thats not good. :)

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If the ornaments will really only take a half hour, maybe it would boost your energy to go ahead and crank them out today. Get those good endorphines from checking that off the list and ease the pressure of one less project.


I like the other idea of putting patterns in with the teapot and letting mom pick her favorite. It puts her in the process and buys you time.


Any chance of getting some help with the monsterghan assembly?


How about making the baby blankets a first birthday gift instead of Christmas?


Good luck with your endeavors. Don't burn yourself out! It's real hard not to crochet ourselves into a corner, isn't it!

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:hugI totally understand and relate to your stress!! I have done this same thing to my self more times than I can count :think . You will be okay, I say take ONE day to relax, and read a book or something else, that always helps me get back in the "groove". Good luck!!:manyheart
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I love this place! You all are great!


Can't get help with the monsterghan. The other people involved in the project live in Missouri, Iowa, Oregon and Ontario. The idea that it could be sent for Christmas if I can't finish on time does take off a lot of pressure.


Last night I had to stop and Ice my back, but as I did I popped our 4 more Christmas Trees. They really are fast! I need just a few more and that will be done. :)


Everything else is on hold. I so want blankets for the girls, but birthday gifts are an option. I made so much for both of them before they were born. The world won't come to an end if I :gasp: buy them Christmas gifts and send the blankets later.


Thanks again everyone!

I do feel less stressed already!

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wormie, please do be careful of your poor back! I know you want to get the "monsterghan" finished, but it really isn't worth getting yourself laid up.


Would it help maybe if you rolled up the part(s) you're not working on at the time, then clip the "jelly roll" through the middle of the open ends with a hairclip or similar? That's what I do when something starts to get a bit too big to manage (or when making yards of edging! :lol)


Try to move the work around instead of moving and bending yourself to the work; a sore back is definitely not fun. . .



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Thanks. I was being sort of.....stupid...and working on the floor. Bad idea. I have now taken over the dining room table. This is big progress for me. I grew up in a house where the living room and dining room were "for guests". I'm not like that, but I do sort of have a "thing" about actually putting anything on the table. I finally pulled out the table pads. Now I can lay the monster out and flip over the top and kind of slide it around when I work.


I'm using the flat braid method, so I think I'll try edging two sides of each square, and then go in and do all the actual joining on the other two sides. That should be faster and easier on my body.


My back is fine. I started seeing a chiropracter because I couldn't stand my headaches anymore. After 20 years of suffering, I'm finally getting some help. My neck has been out of alignment. I went last weekend, and am going three times a week. Haven't had a headache since I started! Woo Hoo.


The think is that as they take the pressure off my neck and get me back in alignment, the muscles in my back have to learn the right way to "work" and they're sore. Nothing compared to a headache, but irritating. Working on the table and taking frequent breaks is helping. :)

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I have 15 or more WIP and switch back and forth regularly so I don't get too bored with any of them! I don't stress about that! I only stress when dear hubby tells me the next day will be a friend or family members birthday and we need a gift! I want to throttle him! Because of his last minute warnings I gave as a present an original bed doll I had designed for myself! Oh well life goes on! LOL:hook

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the squares for the monsterghan are all joined!!!


Lots of ends to weave in, and it needs to be bordered, but it's coming together!!!!


Yea!!! And it looks soooo cool. :clap


I'm a little stressed out myself with the holidays. I'm making a monsterghan for my MIL for Christmas, so that's taking up a lot of my time. I work two jobs, so that doesn't help.


My thinking is....I don't really have to crochet everyone a present like I used to. Both of my daughters are of the age that they'd rather buy their clothes than make them (although my youngest daughter did request a felted black and white bag for Christmas. That should be easy enough...if I could find any black wool yarn. But that's another story). The only young relatives I have are two great nieces and a soon-to-be-born great nephew (they promised he'll be born before Christmas). I already bought both of my great nieces' Christmas presents (a DVD of one of my all time favorite movies, "The Little Mermaid.") My great nephew will get a "Baby, It's Cold Outside" jacket for either his birth or for Christmas; however all I have to do is to sew the buttons and it's done. (I should post pix over at the BICO crochetalong thread...but....)


Stress? With two jobs, and two college-aged daughters spending me out of house and home, of course I have stress. But I can't let my crocheting be another cause of my stress. :yes

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way to go! glad you can see the end.....i too know about stress, add to the theings you want to get done....having both your children get married within 6 weeks of each other.....the first one the saturday after thanksgiving! not many of the hand made gifts i planned will get done!

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If you love to crochet then you shouldn't stress over it!

This is the one reason that people quit doing things~they choose to do to many things at once~(I understand that sometimes things occur that cause a bump in the road.) Making special last minutes gifts for friends~or those Random Acts of Kindness.....but

The birth of a baby is a special event that takes 9 months for it to occur~Christmas comes once a year~Birthdays come once a year... if you are waiting until the last minute to make those items you are creating your own stress.

If people don't get their gift right before or on Christmas~oh well! I had much rather receive a special hand made gift that I know someone took time to do.

Get a jump start on next years Xmas gifts....do a couple a month~

Don't sweat over the small stuff!


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Well the monsterghan is almost done. I did two rows of edging last night, and it's going FAST! I'll finish tonight or tomorrow, weave in the ends and be good. I'm a bit dissapointed because the edging is rippled a bit, but with so many variances in the size, design and yarn gauge of the squares, I don't think it could be helped. The stress is off.


Yes - for the babies, I started crocheting as soon as I found out they were expected and I made a TON for the showers. My niece opted not to find out if it's a boy or a girl, so everything was yellow and green. I'm making a pink blanket and if its not done for Christmas she'll get it for Jan or Valentines Day. It's no biggie. I feel like the pressure is off and I can start to enjoy again.



I think that some of you working moms, and those of you holding tow jobs, and those of you planning weddings etc, have a lot more stress than I!! :) Good luck to the rest of you!!!

I did have to stop myself before volunteering for some charity projects this weekend, but I do know there is ALWAYS an opportunity to give, and if I can't do these projects I'll be able to do some that come up in the future. :)

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WOW (calm down!!), I crochet everyday too and I've notice that when I crochet something for someone or for a specific ocassion I get stress out too because of the deadline and also I want the person to think I did a great job so the fact that I want to make a perfect piece freaks me out, but when I try a new thing or I crochet something for the sake of crocheting that doesn't matter if I take too long or if it comes out wrong I feel in heaven (I rather pick this one!!).

So, I try to avoid having to crochet something and I do it to enjoy my time!!

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