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I feel like MacGyver!

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I had to share this with you guys, because I know y'all will understand.:yes I had free time at work today, so I was finishing up fingerless gloves for DH. I realized I didn't have a darning needle with me. All of a sudden, an idea hit...I used a paper clip to sew up the seams!!! The coolest part was it actually worked! Anyway, thanks for listening to the rantings of a madwoman! :loco

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MacGyver was always one of my heroes... I collect Swiss Army knives because of him.


My Swiss Army knives are some of my favorite crochet accessories.



I used one of MacGyver's solutions once to fix a tv remote. The batteries wouldnt make contact to the little metal thingie that transmits the battery power to the remote. So I bought some Wrigley's gum (the kind that comes in the foil wrapper) and folded the foil wrapper up so the shiny part was on the outside of both sides of the fold. Put that between the battery and the metal contact thingie...closed the battery cover and the remote worked!

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Hmmmm great idea! I've used them as emergency stitch markers, but haven't tried sewing with one yet - - - I've got a fresh box around here somewhere . . . .

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Great thinking!! I loved that show and Richard Dean Anderson. Did you know that that what he made in the show would actually work in real life except one thing was always left out so people couldn't do it in the real world. I think I read somewhere that MIT came up with those things...but I could be wrong.

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Not everything that Mac did would work in real life. (making a magnet out of a 12ft long iron bar by whacking it a couple of times on a fire hydrant...ummm...not quite. It'll work, but no where near as good as it did in that episode) Some things they came up with were greatly exaggerated. But they did such a decent job on the show that it was easy to suspend your belief on the things that werent really always scientifically accurate.


Plus, Richard Dean Anderson is eye candy... :manyheart He made the show easy to watch.


I've watched just about every tv series and movie he's been in. Loved them all. (MacGyver, Legend, and especially Stargate!) Someday when I have lots of money I'm going to get all of his shows on DVD. I really wish they'd re-air Legend so I could record it to dvd with my Tivo.

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:) I loved McGuyver as a kid!!! :) I still carry a pocket knife with me on my keychain... AND... I've used it as a makeshift screwdriver to tighten my classes (so the lenses wouldn't come out!!! :) It doubles as a pair of scissors when I need it for my yarn too!!! He did give you a lot of ideas though... The last episode I remember seeing when I actually watched it on a regular basis was the one where he met his son!!! :) I know that was close to the end of the series. Don't you wish it worked like that all the time??? Of course when your stuck in a cave you have everything you need to make TNT... don't cha??? :)
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:) I loved McGuyver as a kid!!! :) I still carry a pocket knife with me on my keychain... AND... I've used it as a makeshift screwdriver to tighten my classes (so the lenses wouldn't come out!!! :) It doubles as a pair of scissors when I need it for my yarn too!!! He did give you a lot of ideas though... The last episode I remember seeing when I actually watched it on a regular basis was the one where he met his son!!! :) I know that was close to the end of the series. Don't you wish it worked like that all the time??? Of course when your stuck in a cave you have everything you need to make TNT... don't cha??? :)


The episode with his son, SAM, was actually the very last episode...and actually, SAM's first name was Sean, and his middle name was Angus...which was after his father! (Angus MacGyver?!? no wonder he liked to be called "Mac") SAM stood for Sean Angus Malloy...and yes, I was totally obsessed with MacGyver at one time.


There was one other episode that aired after the "last" episode...they called it the "lost" episode...that one had MacGyver and Jack Dalton in some fictional Asian country somewhere and they'd apparently located the Fountain of Youth. I think it wasnt aired because some international crisis of some sort bumped it the night it was supposed to air...I think


More MacGyver trivia...the original episode had MacGyver's first name as "Stace". (thank goodness they changed it to Angus!) I have (somewhere) a copy of some magazine that actually has the name Stace MacGyver in big letters next to a bad picture of Richard Dean Anderson.


ok...I better save some MacGyver trivia just in case I'm ever on Jeopardy!

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I used to watch MacGyver and I loved it but when I saw this thread the first thing I thought of was the Simpsons. There was an episode where Patty and Selma kidnapped MacGyver and he escaped but then he came back and wanted them to make it harder for him to escape. I think it was like 3 or 4 times he did that. Finally at the end he was wearing a MacGyver mullet wig and a jumpsuit (Patty & Selma collected everything MacGyver) begging for one more time. They ended up getting rid of him by showing him their travel slides. It was hilarious....

Debi Y. :hook

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