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Ideas & more ideas...

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:think I get so many ideas to crochet that sometimes I actually forget the idea completely. If I don't write them down in a notepad when I think of them, I go crazy. I write down what it is I'm thinking about and then write down what yarns, thread, hooks, etc. that I would use to make the item. Sometimes I'll even write out very basic instructions so I won't forget. Anyone else do crazy things like this? I'd love to see that I'm not alone or crazy. :devil
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I sketch an idea down on whatever happens to be handy. Napkins, backs of envelopes, you name it I will sketch on it. I have a whole stack of sketches and I go through them every week or so and decide which ideas needs to be made first. Sort of prioritize them. Only problem is the stack keeps growing. I never worry about running out of things to crochet. I will never get all my ideas done before I come up with another one. My immediate to do list has 5 designs that I really really want to make............. Those are the ones that are all figured out just need the time to crochet them......

You are not crazy, or alone. The creative mind does not turn on or off on command but is always creating. Day, night, home or away, an idea pops in when it's ready and If we don't record it somehow it can slip away.....

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I do the same thing...The amount of times my co-workers have almost caught me sketching out patterns/designs/colors, etc. in my usual pad for work...:lol I actually planned out one of my afghans on the computer at work, using Excel (altered the cells to be little squares and used the "background" color to shade in).

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