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e-patterns drop printing restrictions -- yay!

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Back in April I bought 6 patterns from e-patternscentral.com. It wasn't until after I'd bought them I discovered they used the restrictive Adobe Digital Rights Management system and had security settings in the files that limited you to only 2 complete printings. . . :( I felt this was really unfair to customers, nor was it made clear on the website before buying. So after emailing their customer services with a strong complaint, I vowed not to buy from them again and have warned others since.


Well, the subject came up again a few days ago on a mailing list I belong to and someone emailed me privately, saying her files were only password-protected and not limited as to the number of printings. I went back to the site and downloaded one of their demos and she was right; Adobe DRM has gone and so have the over-the-top security settings!


I emailed e-patterns and asked if it was possible for me to get new-format versions of the patterns I'd already bought. Got a nice reply and the answer is YES! I've been able to download, free, new versions of all the patterns and ditch the crippled ones I had. :yay So if anyone else has print-restricted files, see if you can download new versions; they'll be under "My Bookshelf". If you find the site won't recognise your old account details (I had this problem), mail customer services with the information.


The new system of just password-protecting the files is, I think, much fairer to customers while still protecting their copyright. And I think e-patterns deserve a big pat on the back for listening to customer complaints and acting on them.



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