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Update on my rant...and I finished it!

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Here is the link to my previous post - thought I should update.





Well - i finally figured out all the peices and I got the dang thing finished. It is huge. I had to take the picture in two shots to get it all in, and my hubby is holding it up above his head. at full length it is just under eight feet. much bigger than called for, but I guess this is what happens when the teacher never talks about gauge!






and here is one of it laid out on the floor - I could not get above it high enough to get it all




But it is FINALLY finished.


Thanks to all for their words of advice and encouragement!

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DANG GIRL!!!! after all you went through, well, words just don't adequatly express it. It. is. SPECTACULAR!!! Good job! I am waaaay impressed!!

:clap :clap BRAVO!!! :cheer :cheer


Update: Wow. I just can't stop looking at it. :)


update update: :) :) I JUST had to have it, so I snagged the book off Ebay :) i"m such a pattern junkie! I have PAS (Pattern Aquisition Syndrom) badly!

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I have crocheted off and on for most of my life. Just looking at that afghan I can see squares that even I can not do. So I would like to say CONGRATES!:cheer:yay and WOOOT!


First for all making all the different square/rectangles. Second I would like to say you did a wonderful job on putting it together. And finally I would like to also add... you are very talented! Your afghan is beautiful. I am just sorry you had to learn how to crochet from such a misdirected soul. But it is nice that they meant well.


Here is your hug :hug for not giving up!

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Gorgeous! I'm a pretty experienced crocheter, and like others I think I would learn a lot from making that afghan, so I might do it... the rest of the book looks like it would be good, too. This would be more satisfying to me than working up the CGOA swatches, I think.


Congratulations! It must be a great feeling. I know you said you used an Erdal yarn--what type?

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hey alyblu, you did a FANTASTIC job on your afghan. shame on your teacher for the way she taught you, as you know i teach crochet and that is not one i would start a beginner on, yet you showed them all with your talent and determination, i am soooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of you and also i just love the colors and more than anything, how you made them all look perfect. yes perfect, thats what i see when looking at that afghan even if the gauge is off a bit, more for you to snuggle under with your hubby. congratulations my friend. if i had a medal i would give it to you for doing such a great job and sticking with it when i know you wanted to quit:nworthy :nworthy :nworthy :applause :applause :cheer:woo :woo :woo :woo

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Wow - thank you all for the compliments and the support - it means a lot. This was a huge ordeal for me - and I am really proud of myself. There where a few times when I just wanted to dump it! And a few tears where shed.


I used Erdal Lazer - so not a beginner yarn!!!


This is the square that had me almost ripping my hair out. It was a front treble post - but the yarn color changed mid way though the row, but did not pick back up the same way on the next row.



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I really can't get over how beautiful that is... I almost think I smell a CAL coming along here. :devil


Congrats on your spectacular work, and for persevering! :D:manyheart


If you do - please let me know - I would probably do this again (after taking a break!!!) It would be interesting to hear what others have to say when they are working it up

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Well, it was a trial and a tough way to learn. BUT, it paid off in the long run. You are really skilled now. I would think you could tackle any project you want now. You wanted to learn crochet, and you LEARNED it! What is on your "to do" list now?


:cheer :cheer :cheer

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WOW!!! That's all I can think of is WOW!


That is AMAZING. I went back and read the linked thread and I am very impressed with you for sticking it out and finishing. I would say that by finishing this one 'beginner' project you automatically move up to intermediate or advanced crocheter status:lol !


Congratulations on your success!

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