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I blame it on my mother...

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I love to crochet clothing for my son (who is 2) and any other children I know. Everyone else's kids seem to love wearing the items I make for them. So why is it when I try to get my son wear something I have made for him he runs in the other direction screaming "NOOO!" like he is afraid of it?! Has this ever happened to anyone else? Just curious, because I sometimes wonder if he is going to grow up with an irrational fear of crocheted items:scared I can hear it now: "well doctor, I blame it all on my mother...":lol

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:rofl unfortunately my daughter is the opposite! whenever I pick up a crochet hook she expects I am making something for her!! my cousins girl twists her face up a lil sometimes and at others she says things like "i like that" "jessi is so lucky you made that for her" and I then make for her too!! lol
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I looked through your other posts to see if you said how hold your son is. I found that he is 2. A few things.


First it's pretty normal for kids to go through a 'no outer clothes' stage about now.


Second they usually get tired/bored/whatever of mommy and mommy's tricks about this age. In other words a lot of times they don't want to try on any more clothes, they don't want to pose for a hundred more pictures, they don't want to recite ABCs or Twinkle Twinkle Littel Star for the billionth time, etc.


Third some kids really are bothered by texture for various reasons. My niece is like that. She can't even wear it over a tee.


Last some kids don't like new things/change. My daughter is like this. She does pretty good with most of my crochet. It's almost a fight to get store bought stuff on her though. It's not as bad as it used to be. I'd have to leave certain things, especially hats, just sitting out in the living room for days until she got used to the new thing. Or we'd do a quick try on so she could see it was okay then wait a few days for the actual wearing of the new item.


Remember every one is different and what I said doesn't go for them all. It's just a few reasons why he might run. Try not to panic or take it personal. :)

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Sometimes at that age their going through their wonderful "I'm going to be Independent" stage. So sometimes this is how they express themselves. They want what they want, and when you want something from them, it can be a battle. Sometimes if you make a game of it, it can help. All five of mine went through this, and it happened with one thing or another. So I wouldn't worry about it having to do with the crochet items. It could be him exerting his independence. Try making a game of it to see if he could put it on himself, or how fast can we get it on, or something, usually this will work. Atleast with mine did. Now I'm sorry, but I am chuckling as I'm picturing this child runnning and screaming from a crocheted item. It makes me think of the scene in the one Christmas Movie where the boy's grandma sent him a handmade Pink bunny suit, lol. I believe the movie is "A Christmas Story" Hang in there it'll be ok. The Empress also has some very good points as well.



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:manyheart Oh my, well my son is 3 yrs old and he runs the opposite direction from me every morning. At just about the time that I say we all need to get dressed. He runs and giggles and trips and gets hurt. This has been this way for about a year and a few months. I consider it just his independence shining through. It is annoying I know. Sometimes I just want to dress him and get going but that is not the way little ones think. They work on their own schedules and mommy is not about to change that from happening.


Try to look at it as a part of learning boundaries and knowing that it is fun to play with mommy. Because really that is what the running around is... a game. A private game that only you and him play. He will grow up soon enough and all the cute running around will be gone forever.


Btw, fear of crochet is not allowed in my family.... you must love yarn and crochet or ELSE!!!! :devil

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My 5 y.o. DD does this, but she's getting to the stage where she wants what her friends have, so if little Nikki has a store bought hat and gloves, DD wants a store bought hat and gloves.


I remember DD being pretty particular about what she wanted to wear at that age, though - if it had polkadots, she HAD to wear it with her plaid kilt :think . Maybe it's the age, or like previous posters said, he's asserting some independance?

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When my sons (I have 3) were toddlers- pre-schoolers they wore the sweaters I made-they really weren't fussy about what they wore. Then when they started going to elementary school, they wouldn't be caught dead wearing any handmade stuff. That lasted till just recently now the youngest and the middle guy are requesting beanies. I posted a pic of my 19 yo wearing the beanie I made him. http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=36626

So there is hope :)

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Thanks everyone for the advice! I assumed it was just a phase and he would grow out of it soon, but it is terribly frustrating!! Come to think of it though, most things are with him:) I did manage to get him to put on a sweater without screaming, but of course it involved a bribe of some kind. It is good to know I am not the only one that had this experience. Luckily, there is no fear of yarn, he always asks for a piece when I am crocheting, so there is hope!:D




p.s. that is a great picture of your son in the beanie!

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