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I just realized...I have a stash!!!!

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My Name is Michelle and I am a Yarnaholic.


It started with enough yarn to make the projects I was working on...and then...it wasn't enough...I needed to get more...just in case.


A year later....I realized that not a trip to Walmart exists without at least the purchase of one skein!!!:eek


That is in addition of course to the trips to Michaels to save 7 cents on a skein of yarn!...and use the 40% coupon...on YARN.


Then there is the basket...that I got from my mother last Christmas...and the second basket she gave me 2 months later for my B'day....of course that doesn't hold my stash anymore...so I have them in bags...and old comforter bags....stuffed under tables and behind furniture.


SIGH! Well...I guess there could be worse habits!


DH started in on my WIPS about 6 months in...LOL...until I pointed out the 6 WIP Model cars...now he just looks in my bags when I come back from Walmart and smiles:D ..."more yarn?"......"YEP!!!!":yes

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hehehe while searching in my craft room last night I realized I finally made huge dent on my yarn stash... BUT my fabric stash is much much worse. I have not had to buy fabric in 3 years. lol I alwys have what I need.

So if anyone gives you a hard time tell them you do it to be prepared at a momemts notice.

lol lol lol

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Some great ways to hide your stash (I'll help feed your addiction:lol ):


1. Get a box that is big enough to look like an end table or a refrigerator box for a REALLY big coffee table. Hide your yarn in it and cover it with a table cloth. OOOOOHHHHHH!!! Really pretty!:D


2. You could always hide it in the long sleeves of coats/jackets and clothes you really don't wear anymore! :lol


Good Luck!


BTW- Thought I'd let you know, if you have a Big Lots near by they have the fancy fur type yarn for $1/skein and Hobby Lobby has a 40% off coupon this week. I'm really just trying to help. I don't want you to enter withdrawls!:devil

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Big Lots?....$1/skien furry yarn!?! :eek I am soooooo there!!!!



:blush Hi...I'm...uh...Jenn and I'm...um...addicted to yarn....:P:yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn

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Wow! It's so nice to find others like me... :) My hubby looks at me like I'm crazy every time I bring home yarn that he sees. I do let him see it now and then, so that when it's getting bigger, he doesn't wonder how it did. Truthfully though, I don't think he'd notice. I love the tip about putting yarn in the long sleeves of shirts you're not wearing much! And creating coffee tables from the boxes of yarn, just priceless! :)


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I have a huge yarn stash also. I have it everywhere. I have totes and bags of it in my closet. I have totes of it in the computer room. I have baskets of it in the living room. I even have several totes of it at my moms house. She is going to bring it to me soon though. I always make a beeline to the crafts area at Walmart when we go. Just have to check out all that yarn.

Luckily, my husband dosn't mind. He says go ahead hun, I know you want to get some of the new colors. He's a seetheart!!!!

I do like the idea of the boxes filled with yarn for coffee tables.

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I really need to reorganize my stash and figure out better ways to store it.

I have two 8 gall. bins full in storage (one of yarn, one of thread), one of those tall rubbermaid wrapping paper roll storage bins full, one of those zipper bags that a queen-sized comforter came in full, a smaller zipper comforter bag (twin size, I think) full, those little plastic shoe boxes full of those little balls of leftovers (about 4 or 5 of those), a 12"sq. mesh bin full, multiple plastic shopping bags full, a kitchen sized garbage bag full, many canvas yarn totes full, and I am sure that I am forgetting some somewhere too LOL :


OH!!! And the paper grocery bag of the old fancy wool yarn that my MIL gave me :P And some loose skiens and balls that have migrated through-out the house :think


I can also say that about 75% of that was given to me. My best friend gave me two 33 gall. sized garbage bags full before she moved, the twin comforter zipper bag and a kitchen sized garbage bag full from my DH's grandmother, a small box from my grandmother and I still have a bunch from a stash from a co-worker of mine 6 years ago gave me before she moved to California LOL


Oh, and I think I still have some from a box that I bought from a yard sale 2 years ago, the entire box for 2 bucks LOL



Yeah, I'mmmm a junky too :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn


(I'm sure that someone here has more than that though :P )

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So glad you joined the club of Stashers. Many of us have the same addiction here. So you will be very welcome in this group!


Now, if you also join the group of Bookers (those who collect crochet books), Hookers (collect hooks) and Patterners (collect patterns by the millions), then you are definately one of us. Welcome.



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My 9-year-old son helped me make the list for Wal-Mart last Saturday. At the bottom of the list he wrote, "No buying yarn!" But did I listen? Of course not!


I'm a yarnaholic, a booker, a hooker, and a patterner too, so count among the hopeless addicts with no desire to reform . . .

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Sending you some pics to show you some of my stash...the rest is in my bedroom in blue Rubbermaid bins


Yes, that is a cardboard box ... holds my WIPs for now.




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I have no intention on quitting this habit. I am just so excited :clap that I have more yarn than places to keep it...AND more yarn than I could physically crochet in the next year with a full time job.:yay


So...I'm thinkin' I should donate all the clothes I don't wear and start putting yarn where the clothes used to be...


Big lots eh...fun fur...I must stop there this weekend....I'm not the biggest fan of fur but its a nice touch on the brim of a hat, or the edge of a scarf...and what a nice addition to the new refridgerator box full of yarn that I'll put in the middle of the living room!:devil

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The KIN of whoever dies with the most yarn wins....eh? I so wish that I crocheted when my grandmother died! I lost a wonderful person in my life...I could have made everyone gifts with "grandma's yarn". To this day i don't know what happened to the stash!:think



I owned a yarn store for 17 years. I still have about 20,000 lbs out in the tractor shed.


She who dies with the most yarn wins.


I'm ahead.



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I have a huge stash too, but today I was looking for something with teal in it to make my mother a scarf to go with an outfit I'm making her and didn't have anything. So there is a trip to Michael's in my near future...

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I, too, am a Stasher - my kids have been known to stipulate "no buying yarn" when we go to Wal-Mart for birthday presents, school supplies, boots, or whatever. However, when DD decides she must have something, I can sometimes score an addition. And the mill ends or clearance bins are awfully hard to just walk past... :hook


I also seem to be collecting patterns - so far the electronic versions are safe on the hard drive... I'll have to look into burning them to cd soon. As for books - well, I have purchased magazines from time to time, and have found the odd books on clearance tables (although one of the two I picked up in Sydney seems to have gone walkabout).


Another place for the stash to hide out is underneath the dresses/skirts in the closet. Of course, with all the old 'just in case' prezzies hidden in the closet, what's one more box or bag? DH doesn't look closely (thankfully) ... And the kids have been banned from the closet.


Then there's also the 'full pillowcase in the linen closet' approach (which my Mom used to camouflage the afghan inherited from one of my aunts): Who says pillows can't be made of project-in-waiting yarn? :yarn


On the other hand, DD is always happy when I can step up to one of her last minute projects (please, Mom, a poppy for the music teacher? a set of holiday apples [thanks to Cylinda Matthews' stuffed apple pattern!!] for the homeroom teacher? hearts for the valentines? Easter baskets for 28? Matching scrunchie for best friend?) without leaving home! And, of course, a few little finished objects are also useful for last minute shoppers [i.e. DS2] needing Secret Santa presents... :sheepxmas


Thankfully there's a community - this one - where we Stashers are not ostracized, nor ridiculed, nor condemned. Instead, we are accepted and welcomed and made to feel normal again. Thank you all for your understanding! :ghug



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