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Does anyone have a chatelaine? If so, were they worth it? did you actually use it? I was thinking about the practicality of using one, esp when I go to Ren Fests in the fall...I'm considering putting one on my Christmas list...HL carries the gadgets for them, for sewers, etc., and I've seen some chatelaine crochet hooks on ebay...What are your takes on them?

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I love mine, But I have to admit I use them just for my Ren faire costume. Mine has sissors, a fork, spoon, a temble and a few charms. I think they are worth it.


But I could not wear them at my home yet. LOL My toddlers would start swinging from it.

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It is a clip (think brooch like) that you attach to your belt. It has different chains that you hang things from. Like scissors, crochet hooks..a little sewing kit, a magnifying glass and sometimes keys.


they were used by whomever ran the household. I got mine at the Texas Renn faire.

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I have one that I did up years ago. To be honest I don't use it. It hangs on my wall where I can see though. And I love looking at it. Mine has a tape measure, scissors, antique crochet hook set for chatelaines, A needle case, and a pendant watch. It's just not practical for my everyday life style though. I would have to be constantly taking it on and off. Mine is made to go clip to a belt.

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I use one most of the time. I guess mine is a "modern" one. About the width of a tape measure,fabric, maybe 3 ft long. Has a felt heart on the bottom to stick pins/needles in and a loop to hold my small scissors. I just keep it around my neck so I have that stuff handy and don't lose my scissors in the chair!! Annies had a pattern for one. Looks like narrow granny sq (maybe granny daugter sq) sewed together for around your neck.

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oooo, I have a couple of patterns for one! I think tha I am going to have to make it! Especially for my Ren Faire Garb!!!! I wish that I knew of them when I was working for a Beadworker at our local Ren Faire. I used to make her bracelets and anklets, a chatlaine would have been great to have at work!!!!

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I made my own by putting a key chain ring on each end of a cloth measuring tape and putting a small pair of safety scissors on one end and a magnefying glass on the other. Over the years I have added or subtracted for various projects....I've added a thimble case and a small felt needle case and I wear it around my neck. I attached a clip/ hook to make it more of necklace. Traditionally these were worn by the house keeper of the manor to also hold keys but my keys made it too heavy. A small pouch/ purse would also be helpful and I really like the idea of charms, to make it more personal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i knew there was one I had seen in red and i just found it again on http://www.e-patternscentral.com I searched for this for so long when the thread was first posted and couldn't find it anywhere, and I just stumbled across it now!!

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I like that one.


I am tempted to try one of these for my Wed. night sewing circle (crocheter/knitters) get together. Right now I have my folding scissors on my key ring but something like this could get me major bling bling points ! yeah!

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