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Confession of a crazy crocheter...

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Today in the evening a friend who I am going to visit tomorrow called

and asked me if I could bring a hook size 6 mm with me. I taught her how to crochet recently and she sent her husband to buy yarn on Saturday. He brought thick yarn so she needs a larger hook and she wants to borrow one of mine and give it back when she is finished.


Just to explain why she isn't getting out to buy one by herself: she is pregnant (pretty much at the end) and she has already 3 children (2 toddlers) - so she isn't getting anywhere near to a yarn shop (there are so few in Vienna)


Now the crazy thing: instead of giving one of my four hooks in this size to her I will go out tomorrow, drive to another district, buy one hook for her. Even though she is my best friend I cannot stand the imagination of giving up one of my hooks. I bet if one of my children starts to crochet I much more likly go out to buy new stuff than giving any of mine. I am a yarn/hook-egoist!

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I'm the same way. My oldest friend was at my house recently and wanted to crochet. I told her she could borrow my hook, but she couldn't take it home with her to finish the project! There are a few hooks I guess I could part with, but not the one she was using! Good for you for going out of your way to get her a gift.

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lol not crazy at all, and also a nice gesture to give one to your friend as she wont have to return it! even if you have 4 at home... lol. you might loose one of those. no, i dont give from my stash either!!

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That is not crazy at all ! I'm the same way about crochet magazines... I can't stand to loan them out because chances are you never get them back again. I'm terrible! ;)

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It is very good to hear that I am not the only one that is so picky with her crochetstuff. I was a little bit ashamed because I wouldn't even lend anyone my absolutly standard-grey-prym-hook. Sure I wouldn't lend anyone a special wood hook (if I would own one, which I do not) but the basic thing?? No, no way.


I made up a complete crochet-gift for her: I bought her soft touch clover hooks in two sizes plus a nice bag to keep her crochet stuff plus a yarn scissor. So instead of just buying a single hook I went for the "whole thing" and bought all this as a early birthday present (although we don't buy each other presents usually) I also bought some great Gedifra-yarn (but I am not sure whether it will find its way to the presentparcel or - more likly - to my stash)


I have done several RAOK-parcels for crocheter I don't REALLY know. This time it will be a RAOK for a very close friend. I am so happy she shares this hobby with me!


...and if she will ever come to this forum I will beg and plead the administrator to erase this thread. So she will never know how she happened to get this special crochet gift... :hook

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What a good friend you are and not crazy at all! I'm that way about my hooks too - - - Each one is a different shape/style and I'd rather buy one and gift it than loan one - I may need it :P

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I am the same way also ...I have hooks and knitting needles passed down to me when I was 6 and will stay with me until I can pass it down to my daughter that is not to into it just yet..:think ..I have bought hooks for her that she still has in her room somewhere . But alot of people I know rather me make them something than try it themselves..:yes

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What's crazy about not giving others your hook? I don't give other people my jeans, or my books, or my mugs, why would a hook be different. The only excption I've made has been when I bought a full set of Brittany hooks, I did give one set of the my Susan Bats hooks to my best friend, she decided to get back into crocheting again. That was January of 2005, for Xmas of 2005 I bought her a set of Bittany hooks. She won't give her hooks to anyone else either, in fact she called me at work last week, she was looking for one of her hooks and was "positive" I had managed to slip it out of her house....she found it under the couch..her's not mine.

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:roflI am sorry, but I can not help but laugh. :rofl

We are all a victim of the :eek What? You want to borrow my hook?:eek

You are very nice to get her this nice package of fun stuff.

After a while, she may find this thread funny also, after she experiences the that is my hook and you want to what?:eek

Thanks for the laugh.:hook

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I have a less than ergonomic set of hooks that my parents gave me MANY years ago. My mom picked up a set of Boye hooks some months back so I could start crocheting her an afghan while I was visiting. I realized the Boye hooks were SO much more comfortable, that when I returned home I got myself a set... I just can't bring myself to pitch out my old uncomfy ones, cuz they were given to me with love.


Turned out it's good I kept my old hooks. Boye's (letters) don't have all the .5 sizes. I picked up my oldest WIP yesterday and needed a 4.5, which was only in my old set!

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Well I do like my hooks but I have to say if I had more than one of the size in question I would give it up, fully expecting to never see it again.


I say that with a straight face! Now if you thought it might be one of my wood hooks think again! No way, not even to my best friend!


Giving away aluminum hooks kind of makes replacing them with a fancy wood one more valid. Can I sell myself on that one?.........hmmm......might just work.

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:lol Uh oh, I think I must be really selfish. My daughter-in-law and a couple friends have asked to borrow my hooks in the past. I smiled and handed the hook over right away, saying "Keep it!" Then I headed straight out the door with an excuse to go to the yarn store to buy myself a new one with some new yarn.


Granted, (said in gutteral whispery tone) I won't give away My Preciouses, wooden hooks!!!:eek



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I did give away some dupes recently to a young mom who learned in one sitting how to crochet and make granny squares. I had to reward her but I did not offer to give hooks that might have served her better if I didn't have a duplicate.


We still get the brownie points for that, right?:yes:devil:lol

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