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What my husband just said..how sweet

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Well he went into the DVD cabinet and out came a skien of RedHeart SS in blue..:think ..I don't know how THAT got in there..but anyways, he says, well can you use this, as he has been wathcing me make the 12 inch squares this week for comfortghans, I said oh YES!! That will be great for my charity squares:clap , so he says WHAT?? Charity squares?!?!! That sounds CRAZY, and I explained what they are for and such, and he says, well you all should call them love squares or something else, charity squares sounds like "bad"

I just thought that was sweet and wanted to share it with you all!!:manyheart

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Not to disagree with y'all but I was just thinking this week about how the King James Bible uses Charity in the famous Love chapter - 1cor. 13


I love it when you read, "Charity never faileth". It so perfectly marks the love that we put into what we do for others. Maybe we should work to reclaim the real meaning of the word because it is so beautiful to think on while making those squares for others. :ghug

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your husband sounds like a very thoughtful person! and I agree with him... the term "love squares" really defines why we make them to begin with

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Love squares for love ghans.....I love that!!:c9

I know when I helped out making a "lovie" for Ro for the Pass Christian daycare caenter I liked the name, funny how things come full circle:manyheart

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Awww...what a sweetie pie! I bet he's that sweet kind of guy that would be all embarassed to know that you were gushing about how sweet he is. Those are the keepers! :yes:manyheart

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Thank you all, and Darski, I understand what you are saying also. It was just an in the moment thing, that caught me as so sweet of my husband. My family is VERY supportive of my "art" AKA Crocheting, in fact, my son who is 16, he actually DIGS stuff out of the trash that I have gotten frustrated with and thrown out. I swear, very sentimental, all my family is. When we used to own a cabin on the river, everyone would make fun of me sitting on the deck crocheting, and calling me granny, my husband and sons would say to them," in 50 years, will you have something your mother put so much work and love into?" They also say it is a lost art, that you dont see many people doing these days, well of course now I showed him this community and it is NOT a lost art!!:clap I swear if it were up to my youngest son, who is 16, I would NEVER be able to give away my work, as he would take it all!! I made him a flag afghan, and it is in his room, folded perfectly, and he really treasures it. I just wanted to sare that sweetness, and yes I am very fortunate to have such a great family!! Both at home and here at the Ville:hug

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