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I Need Help Please!!

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:yarn:blush:think Hi! I'm new to crocheting, and I don't understand the double crochet.:( It's kinda hard. I can make necklaces, beracelets and handcuffs though!:cheerDoes anyone have an idea of how to make it easier?

**Note**I'm right-handed!

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Have you checked out the stitch guide at Annie's Attic? They have graphics on how to do the stitches, plus some of the stitches even have little video clips you can watch.


Here's a link to the main page of stitch links, and here's a link to the double crochet page in particular. They have a Quick Time video showing how to double crochet.

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When I first started crocheting I purchased a book that only costs about $2.50 at my local Wal-Mart called Crochet Made Easy. It has nice pics, explains well and has several beginner patterns in it.:)


When I teach my classes this book is a required item for the students and we even make a pattern from it and it is a really nice beginner referrence book.


Hope this helps and good luck!:)

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