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Making friends on Crochetville

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I have met the nicest people here and have made friends with several people - albeit cyber-friendship! Lookie what my friend Roli sent me after I helped develop a pattern for her Wolf bag (go here to see her tapestry crochet wolf bag) http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=36776&highlight=tapestry+crochet)


I got a package in the mail today with a little present wrapped in purple paper & ribbons. My 2 yr. old GD was here and of course helped me unwrap it, then wore the ribbon in her hair. It's a magnifiying glass that you put on a keychain, and a beautiful cloth to clean my glasses - in its own little case with - believe it or not, my initials! The card she sent has a Jack Russell pup on it (Roli knows I have 2 JRTs) which looks exactly like my Maggie did when she was a lot younger (her head's mostly white now)! I hope you can see Maggie in the pic on the right - that was taken about 10 yrs. ago, modeling our matching jackets. We both look younger! :D


Thank you, Roli. It was a nice gesture and I appreciate the lift it gave me! :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

p.s. I just remembered something funny - when my GS was about 4 he called a magnifying glass a "magic flying glass". That still cracks me up!

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Shelle, both you and Maggie look great in that photo! And wearing matching outfits too! It was serendipity that your initials happen to be on the cloth case. I didn't even notice that! Thanks so much for all the help you've given me. I'll post a photo of my Bailey Bag when I finish it.


"Magic flying glass" :lol :lol :lol

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