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Preemie burial gowns.

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Hi friends,


I wanted to start to make some preemie burial gowns for a local hospital. I was wondering if they are only made in white? I have some lovely pink yarn and some other light colors and I was wondering if I should make them in colors other than white?


From an article I read from Care Wear, I have realized how important these tiny outfits are for the families who have lost a life that was just not ready for this world.


Please let me know your opinion on such an important issue.



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I was looking into making preemie caps and blankets a few weeks ago and I found a website that gave "guidelines" on what to make. I'll have to find the site and post back here, but the number one thing I remember is that you should NOT make anything in yellow. The site said that yellow shades can make preemies look jaundiced or sicker than they are/were.


If you come up with a good pattern for these, would you mind sharing it (only if it's free or not copyrighted, of course)? I'd love to make some of these as well!

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A group that I have found is www.carewear.org and they make things for all different people in need. If you sign up, they send out quarterly newsletters. I just joined, and I have made 11 hats and am working on a blanket. I think it is great to donate to hospitals.



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