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Really pretty afghan pattern

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^^ I actually accepted one of those non-paying jobs, to write for a women's magazine, and she accepted my writing samples, but then has never given me any assignments! :( Oh well.


I am an executive assistant (glorified secretary) by trade, so my job is to make documents look nice. Not quite to the extent of a real desktop publisher, but since the documents I work with are business/legal docs, I'm much less forgiving of unnecessary embellishment. So yes, I definitely reformat my patterns, recipes, etc. Just about anything that I take off the 'net, unless it's a .pdf.


As far as this afghan is concerned, it is REALLY pretty! I can see this in a nice deep blue, too. It's geometric enough to work for a man's afghan, I think. :)



I want to do it in blue too!


There's a way to copy text from a .pdf and paste it into Word. (and then you can reformat to your hearts content) Of course, it'll no longer be .pdf format, but at least you can edit it.


I've made working copies of professionally produced patterns by typing the pattern into Word (also known as "typing practice"). I like to have working copies of patterns so I dont have to worry about losing my orignal leaflets. When I'm done with my working copy, it gets put inside the original leaflet just in case I decide I want to do another one of that project, and that way I probably wont have to type it out again.


The advantage of a working copy is that I can scribble on it all I want, I can use the highlighter tool in Word to highlight important parts of the pattern, and if I take it out into the world and someone spills something on it, or it gets torn, I dont have to worry about the original being damaged. I just dont give out my working copies.

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I started this afghan last year before Christmas using a heathered kind of cream/white LB Woolease. Then, I ran out of yarn and it sits in my closet waiting to be finished. It is a beautiful, beautiful afghan. I am making it as a surprise for a friend of mine who is elegant---this afghan has such an elegant, simple beauty. I love it!



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That colour sounds so beautiful. that creamy winter white just says "elegant" doesn't it?



I would really like to try this one in white. I'm guessing that it would be quite warm too.

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I showed the picture that was in the pattern to my dad. He's now telling me that he'll buy me the yarn in whatever color I want if I make one of these for him. (my dad's pretty cool!)

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