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More Stash!!!!

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Went to visit my MOM on the weekend. She gave me a big garbage full of every type of wool, WW yarn, and funky yarn imaginable!!!:c9 It was like Christmas morning for me!:yay About half of it still had lables on it, while the others were neatly rolled into little balls. She got this at the local thrift store for only 5 bucks! I just don't know where/what to start!


Also, I was at Wal-mart today to get some beads for my crochet rosary beads, and just couldn't pass up 2 1lb bags of " mill ends" yarn.:yarn I've always seemed to have good luck with this stuff.


Now, I just have to find yet another place to put it:blush until I can find the right project.


I just wanted to share in my "good fortune"...



Happy in Nova Scotia

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