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Why Couldn't There Be.....

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Why couldn't there be a crochet/knit/yarn type at home party type bussiness? You know like tupperware and things like that? I would think you would sell yarn, patterns hooks and things like that. Do any of you think this would work or would everyone still just go to their LYS or were ever to get their supplies?

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Lion Brand attempted to get something like this off the ground earlier this year. Here's a link to their May 2006 newsletter that talks about it. Lion Brand had set up a special part of their website for this endeavor. There's a notice there that Purple Tree (the company they partnered with for this) was not able to build the business to a sustainable level.


It sounds great from the standpoint of spending time with other fellow crocheters and crafters. I'm not sure how it would work from a financial standpoint, though.


Most of us really seem to want to stretch our yarn dollars as far as we possibly can, so we can make as many things as possible.


When things are sold through a home-party distribution plan, prices are generally jacked up considerably so the company can afford to pay the commision to the consultants. I think they probably ran into problems with people not wanting to pay the high prices that are a result of party plans.

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A while back there was a Lion Brand newsletter about something like this, and the plan apparently bombed out. If you click the link to Lion Knitting Club, it pretty much says that it wasn't sustainable. I think it was geared to be like Home Interiors for knitters. If it had taken off, I'm sure crocheters would have been next. ;)



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it would be neat though if we could organize a yarn party - all go to an LYS or walmart or whatever at one time and then go to someone's home and make a project .


It would be a nightmare to put together but still fun to consider

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Wow - too bad. That does seem like a great idea. I think it might work better if LYS did it. Could be a great way for crafters in the area to get together, shop, crochet or knit, shmooze - and spend money at the store.

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With scrapbooking, they have kit clubs. Various items, various prices, from a few sheets of paper for very little, to a bunch of paper with all the bells and whistles for big bucks.


Wouldn't it be cool to have a monthly yarn club? Just think, each month a package of distinctly different and gorgeous yarn would arrive with a couple pattern choices. Ahhhhh.

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Why couldn't there be a crochet/knit/yarn type at home party type bussiness? You know like tupperware and things like that? I would think you would sell yarn, patterns hooks and things like that. Do any of you think this would work or would everyone still just go to their LYS or were ever to get their supplies?


A local yarn store here in town has a yarn delivery service, if you buy a certain amount of yarn.


I just don't think something like this would really work. I remember reading about Lion Brand's plan to do home classes/sales but it just didn't sound that appealing to me. Apparently, people could sign up to be knitting teachers. They would organize classes based around certain projects which people could buy the kits for from Lion Brand through the teacher.

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A friend wanted me to start something like this, but with the "sell" not being the yarn, but the "lesson" aspect. Charge something like $20 per person, include a token amount of yarn and hook, and have the hostess have the snacks and whatnot. Teach beginning crochet or refresher for just about an hour and a half. She had several friends that had expressed interest in doing something like this - it would be more comfortable than going to a Michaels or whatnot for a class, and could be tailored for those with varying degrees of crochet knowledge already.


I just couldn't take it on right now, but I'm still stewing it in the back of my head... :U

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I like that idea also Kathrine. You could put a cap on how many people could be in each class. You could also charge for the supplies couldn't you? or have a few options for kits that they could buy for their second project? If someone were to start this couldn't they start it with something in their own home?

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