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Crocheted items at thrift stores.

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I am really into shopping at thrift stores. However, when I go through the linens aisle, I always see quite a few blankets that someone obviously put a lot of work into... on sale at a thrift store for super cheap. It makes me sad!!! And it makes me worry that it will happen to one of mine that I give as a gift someday! :( I have been thinking about buying these, maybe just the baby blankets, and sending them to charities.


Sorry, that was just a random thought !

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Wow. I thought I was the only one that did that. LOL.


I am notorious for buying nice, crocheted afghans and such, and taking them to the local women's shelter, or to the local halfway house.


I just can't stand the thought of them hanging there, unwanted and unused.


What suckers we are. :)

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I've been known to give my own afghans I've made for myself and used for years, to thrift stores or charities when I don't use them anymore...


I was in Calgary a year ago and shopping in a thrift store and went crazy when I saw some doilies. They were wonderful...of course I had to get them...I was doing a happy dance in the aisle...my friend kind of looked at me a bit funny...

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I also thrift store shop. It's hard to see some of the things being sold, but people do get tired of things....I guess. I still have all the afghans my mother ever made me. You know how acrylic lasts....


I never seem to have time to make doilies. I have found some beautiful doilies at thrift stores.


But the worst things is when the thrift stores put really high prices on stuff.....that's just wrong.


Long live thrift stores.....:manyheart

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I thought it was just me too. I see those and wonder why they gave them. Some are old colors, but still. Of course I hope someone will buy them and use them and enjoy them. I've heard of some crafters who buy them and frog them to reuse the yarn. I always hope if mine ever end up in thrift stores that won't happen as I put a lot of thought and love into my crocheted items. But I guess the crafter will use them for a good reason if they do buy them and frog them. And some can only afford that price for yarn.


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I always get sad after a trip to the thrift store because of the crocheted items, many of which have obviously never been used. Once I saw a baby blanket that was identical to one I'd made (pattern from a popular book)--it hurt MY feelings, even though I knew mine was on the now-6-year-old baby's house in a crumple because she sleeps with it every night.


Then a few days after that instance, I saw a mentally-altered homeless woman wearing a beautiful rainbow-colored crochet hat on a very cold day, and it gave me the opposite feeling. I'm sure that hat was donated to a shelter by a crocheter, and it made me smile seeing that the woman needed and was using that hat, and was probably happy to have a beautiful one, even though any old Rite-Aid acrylic hat would have done. Kudos to that crocheter for putting a lot of time into a hat she was donating to the homeless.

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I see no reason to be sad about the crocheted stuff at thrift stores. Soon someone who probably couldn't afford a full price afghan will buy it and a whole new family will get to enjoy it. That's the great thing about thrift stores! Be sad if it's in the trash, but certainly not if it's in a thrift store!

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I once crocheted a baby blanket for this lady my mom babysat for, one Saturday the lady was having a rumage sell so we stopped by. Well, of course there the blanket I had worked so hard on was! For sale at her rumage sale! I think I made her feel a like crap when I bought it back!!!! I was quite young then and it really hurt my feelings!

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I see no reason to be sad about the crocheted stuff at thrift stores. Soon someone who probably couldn't afford a full price afghan will buy it and a whole new family will get to enjoy it. That's the great thing about thrift stores! Be sad if it's in the trash, but certainly not if it's in a thrift store!

I totally agree!

We almost never know why something is there.

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I see no reason to be sad about the crocheted stuff at thrift stores. Soon someone who probably couldn't afford a full price afghan will buy it and a whole new family will get to enjoy it. That's the great thing about thrift stores! Be sad if it's in the trash, but certainly not if it's in a thrift store!

Oh yes. Good thinking! Maybe someone who can't crochet, doesn't know anyone or never received a crochet item or couldn't afford one from a crocheter, would buy it.


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Buy them! I keep extra crochet blankets in the car (when I have them) and will pass them to homeless families. It's amazing how many people are living on the streets - they are not hard to find. Here in wisconsin it is very cold!!

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Only people who "Crochet" can truely know and appreciate the Art. It is an intense Labor of Love. Its physical as well as emotional. A creation by the creator, for that special someone. I think those crochet items that land in the thrift stores were sent there, in error. Most likely it was someone cleaning out "what they could not appreciate". I love to crochet, and every single item I can remember the backpain that it took me to finish the item, no matter how small it was. So for all you crocheters out there, I salute you, I admire you, and I wish I had half the talent and ability that so many crocheters here in Crochetville do. :)

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