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To all those who make charity blankies

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I know you guys probably never get a "thank you", but I thought I'd give one to you.


When my daughter was a baby, she had to go to the hospital several times - one time for a month.


If you've never been to the children's ward, no matter how much bright paint they slap on the walls, it's a pretty depressing place.


Especially for a baby - the cribs are like cages, the rooms are all beige and there is nothing soft and cuddly.


One day, while Ellie and I were out for an EEG for her, some little elf left a blanket on her crib.


We came back, and I saw this beautiful little quilt (no, not crocheted, but the thought is still the same, right?) on her crib.


I thought someone left it by mistake.


But no. It was for my baby girl.


I cried.


I never got to thank the ladies that made her quilt, so I will thank all of you that make charity babyghans, instead.


Thank you for thinking of babies that are going through a tough time. Thank you for giving of yourselves so that a mom or a dad can have something happy to think about on a day that may otherwise be full of only worry and pain. And thank you for doing these nice things and expecting nothing in return.


You all rock.

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I second the "thank you's" for ALL charity work.


I never realized how big of a need there was for it until I was on the recieving end.

Having a sick child has changed my life. There is no more helpless feeling in the world for me than not being able to make it all better for Libby.


It fills your heart with love when something is given to you, or your child in a time of need.


:hug hugs to all who help.


Thank you for starting this thead!!

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I second that Tiga. When my nephew was in the nicu, he got a beautiful knitted cap someone had made. It warms your heart to know that there are still kind people in the world. Two :tup to everyone who hooks for charity! :manyheart

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I would just like to say that I posted this BEFORE I read the "BAshing Crochetville" thread - I just tucked my daughter in last night with her blankie, and it reminded me of all the babyghans and comfortghans everyone here makes!


After I read that thread, the need for this thank you is really apparent!

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That makes me feel good...I'm not sure about anyone else. I make things for charity, but never get to see the people get it or enjoy it.


Thanks for the thank you!


I love making things for charities....I just never get to see the whole picture. I just get the warm, fuzzy feeling for doing it.:hook

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I have also crocheted for charities for many years. I even taught classes so others could learn this craft to pass their gifts on to others that need them. I have never seen or heard from anyone on the receiving end, yet I continue to give. Not for the thank yous but for the feeling I get thinking that I may have helped someone with comfort or warmth.

So to all my fellow "givers", I would also like to thank you for your generosity.

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That's so nice of you to say! I've made three Project Linus blankets now and am working on a fourth. It's nice to know they are so appreciated (makes up for all our friends and relatives who think we're whacked to crochet all the time :lol ).

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i to crochet for project linus and donate as many blankets as i can each month for my chapter here in phoenix az but never get to see who they go to its nice to know they are used and loved and such needing people get them also i to would like to say thank you to the fellow fiber artists who do charity work i currently am doing scrap ghans for linus and the crisis center out here.

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Thanks for the Thank you but giving is its own reward!!!

I love making items and just giving them. To see a Mexican lady who has about nothing snuggle the afgahn close to her face and cuddle it. That makes me want to make 50 more!!!

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Its always nice to be able to cheer someone up with something handmade. No matter how big or small it is always appreciated.


Ditto. All you ladies perform a wonderful service to the community. :hug

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All of us who do charity work, do it to try to make the world a better place. I have made many hats for different organizations on the hopes that it keeps someone warm on a cold night.


Charity works really help us all, the givers and receivers. We are all truly blessed.



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Thanks from me too. I have a different perspective. I am an ICU nurse and we make sure that every dying patient gets a comfort quilt or afghan. We ask for them for any patient that we think will benefit from feeling the love of a comfort blanket, but often they are patients that are dying. Serveral churches and other organizations in our city make them for the hospitals in the area, and I have never known a request to go unfilled. These blankets bring so much comfort to these grieving families.

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