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Dang it. Starting chain too tight.

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Can you maybe put an edging on it to sort of camoflage the fact that the one end is kinda tight? Sounds like a beautiful blankie and a lot of work... maybe you could post a picture of it... you're probably being way hard on yourself (as we always are our own worst critics):hug

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We are definitely our own worst critics! I think a border would be a good idea or you could just leave it as it is - maybe try to pin it into shape, even if that means squishing the other edges up a bit? :)


-- Michelle

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I did put a sc edging and I can see it. I think we will keep it. I made a soft blankie a long time ago and my youngest took to it when she was born but its not really heavy like this one is. she will let me cover her up w/ this one, but still has to hold the other one. I may take a pic when she wakes up.

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I have this same issue...I find I need to make a starting chain ludicrously loose in order not to have this problem.

PBLKNP, have you thought of trying the foundation stitch instead?


It's very easy and so useful; it gives the beginning "chain" the same flexibility/elasticity as the first row. You'll never have a too-tight chain again! :clap



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