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Feng Shui and crochet

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I was reading something that said the far right corner from the entrance is your love corner. So I looked on my main floor and the tv was there. Then I went to the master bedroom and found my yarn stash and crochet magazines was in my love corner!:eek Dh was not surprised though. I got some bookshelves and moved the tv and put a shelf in my love corner. I tidied up before supper and then realized I had put my crochet bag and stuff on the shelf!:eek As you may know Dh doesn't live here yet so I am just getting prepared for when he visits:manyheart . I really need a get a book on Feng Shui and find a good spot for my crochet stuff. Does anyone have any ideas?



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I've been doing a little Fung Shui at our house - little things here and there. For instance, I put two red paper cranes in the back right corner of our bedroom. (My DH folded the cranes for me :manyheart) Also a pink candle in the same corner. In our bedroom, I draped cloths over the large mirror and put the full-length mirror behind a door. In our living room, I hung a wind chime in front of a sharp corner which juts into the room, and I put a plant at the base of the stairs - which lead to the front door.


The knowledge/self-cultivation area is in the rear left. I have my yarn basket in the rear left section of my bedroom, and my "stash" in the rear-left of the house - which is in the garage.


It's kind of fun to do, although I haven't really noticed any differences. :blush

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I was mentally figuring out where my spot is in the living room (where I spend the most time) and it's the love corner, the far right hand corner...and that's where I crochet...


I have noticed that when I compare where I put things to where things should be "Feng Shui" (like after the fact) and I'm always amazed out how on target I am...there are some tweaks sometimes...but I can tell you one thing that works for me...when something doesn't feel right, do what you can to make it feel right...go with your instincts...little changes can make big differences.


I onced moved a chair to a place that just didn't feel right...and it ended up not being the right place at all for that chair. I thought at the time that I just had to "get used to it..." well, I didn't have long to "get used to it," but my life changed on a dime and not necessarily for the better right away...


In practical terms though, these are my personal tips...keep doorways clear, keep the lid down on your toilet and close the shower doors or curtains to the shower or tub. If you can, close the bathroom door altogether, I can't because this is also the cat's bathroom...Feng Shui goes into a whole thing about drains and if they are exposed, it's like you're letting your money and good fortune go down the drain.


Empty your trash nightly if possible, but don't let it over flow if you can't.


Keep your pathways clear, if it's realistic, put your main furniture at an angle...especially if you have like a coffee table that has corners...


Back to the chair in the wrong place for a moment...the reason it was at the wrong place was because it blocked the pathway from the front door to the rest of the place...forcing me in particular to go around it to get to the kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms...


Since we're talking about crochet, for me we're also talking about being creative...and for me especially, even though I feel like I have a lot of stuff, I need to occasionally declutter to keep the flow of my creativity flowing...


Decluttering to me isn't just about decluttering stuff...anything that nags me for a period of time, I have to deal with, otherwise, it blocks that flow of creativity...


That's what I personally get out of Feng Shui...


I'm off to my love corner now...


Happy Crocheting.

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Are you implying that if one uses Feng Sheu that maybe they also don't follow the teachings of Jesus Christ darski? That's quite a judgment call if you are.

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I don't believe I said anything like that. I just found this conversation interesting having recently come from a discussion in a Christian forum where a young woman had been messing with satanic stuff and now was thinking that a crucifix would save her. And no I am not saying you are messing with satan - just that she thought a thing would keep her safe.


The parallels just jumped out at me coming from that conversation to this one.


I guess I am thinking that if the game of life depends on where I put a chair:eek , I don't want to play that game. Simple is good at my age.:yay:lol

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Oh dear! :sweat I think we're supposed to avoid talking about Religion and Politics, right?I'd hate to see anyone's feelings get hurt. :(:(:(


I think we should keep this to decorating talk...


I think the colors of a room really effect the "feel" for me. I recently changed the colors in my living room and I really miss the spring green couch cover I used to have. I'm working on an afghan with pinks, greens, creams and tans for the back of the couch to try to liven it up a bit. Someone shared the


Someone recently posted a stripe generator (it was something like "kiss my shadow" or something like that) and I was able to see what combined colors would look like. I intended to do peaches and greens, but after generating the pattern I realized I wouldn't like it at all.


This page had some cool Fung Shui-y ideas for color choice. I liked the idea of paying attention to what way your room faces - I think that's good to think about from a lighting perspective, too!



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I need to remind everyone that, as of this point in time, we are not to become engaged in religious discussions or debates here at Crochetville according to our guidelines that went into place this past May. So please refrain from any further religious discussion or I'll have to edit/delete posts or close this thread. And it wouldn't be fair to those discussing the topic of feng shui decorating to have to close their thread when they didn't bring religion into things.


Please keep all further comments in this thread focused on the topic of feng shui decorating.

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I agree with the clutter part. I feel almost healthier when I clean up clutter. It is more than just getting something done. What I read about the marriage corner was the new age feng shui it looks like from the article you posted here.


Thanks yarnaholic for steering the thread in the right direction.


I keep re-arranging my living room and I hope this current arrangement is the one. It is L shaped and very awkward. I think I will try getting a plant or something to put in front of the corner wall of the L that juts out.


The far left corner would be just as convenient to keep my stash in so maybe I switch things around.



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What I read about the marriage corner was the new age feng shui it looks like from the article you posted here.


I'm not exactly sure what that means. I didn't look around the whole website, so I can't speak for anything they put on it. I printed info from a bunch of different Fung Shui for Beginners type articles for my own fun reading. I hope everyone uses her own judgement about what she reads. We had fun putting a few Asian touches here and there. I especially liked my DH folding little red paper cranes for my windowsill - I thought that was very romantic! :)

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Sorry my dd was pressing the delete button so I ended up leaving a shorter post. The article I read was saying you should put pink in your marriage corner and put a pile of things in 2s. I agree about not going overboard as having a million crystals and windchimes around could make your house look a bit odd. I moved into this house in April and am still moving things around because I don't like how the rooms feel. I went to visit my cousin's house one year for Jewish New Year and he had a frog in his entrance that one of his friends gave him because his entrance was apparently not very well planned for feng shui (the friend was Chinese).


Anything on my windowsill is fair game for my cats unfortunately. Apparently it spoils their view.:lol



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