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Acknowledging Empress Busy Bee for her fine contributions to the Village

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I was making a quilted cell phone cover today that would also have a pocket for that stupid ear piece thingy and let's just say things went less than 'swimmingly':no ... not terrible... but I decided I might try one of the many crocheted versions...


First thought: Put out a thread in the "seeking patterns" section... then I thought: "Wait. I know someone else must have already put out something like that and if I do a Search and find a post by Empress Busy Bee, then I'll have a selection of patterns!"


Sure enough, typed in "cell phone pattern" and within about five minutes I had found a post by Empress Busy Bee in response to somebody's request for that very pattern giving SEVEN different patterns, including one I fell in love with!


So THANK YOU, EMPRESS BUSY BEE, FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE, READY TO FIND THE PATTERN WE VILLAGERS ARE LOOKING FOR... though I'm still waiting for that pattern for a cheese grater:eek (private joke)

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yeah, I can never figure how Empress is so swift with the response. She must have a remarkable memory. I reckon if I asked for a doily with a eastern motif that could be turned into a lampshade or a hat she would come up with something!

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I have seen the Empress in action and boy is she amazing!! GO EMPRESS :D we all love your help :hug thanks for being you

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Oh gosh, I have to second, third, fourth, fifth and whatever this! She is a remarkable woman when it comes to finding JUST the right pattern! Her favorites folder must be so organized it would put us all to shame!!!


I must also add that she is remarkable when it comes to graphics and also for being the queen of the FAT BOTTOM BAG!!!


I bow down to your greatness EBB!!!

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Me too! Me too! When I first started looking around on Crochetville, I saw Empress Busy Bee everywhere. I thought what is this person, she is always around. Then, the patterns and the information. I agree with everyone, Empress - thanks for all you do - if there is a pattern out there for it - you will find it. Keep on impressing us with your knowledge. :hug :hug :hug


I, on the other hand, have a hard time locating the pattern that I am currently using! :think

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Yes, THANK YOU, Mrs. Data (another private joke), for all your contribution. Where would we be without you?


It's not just that she has great memory and is incredibly web- and tech- savvy that she can find anything. It's also that she is willing to spend so much time helping her fellow crocheters with her talents and gifts...it's her generosity of heart that really touches me.


Which also brings me to the point that there are many others with just as generous a heart here at Crochetville. It's what makes this place so great, IMHO.

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