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My hubby is the best!

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Aw...husbands sure can surprise us sometimes, can't they?! Mine did the same kind of thing last night...we were picking up groceries at Walmart, and they had the whole front section of women's clothing on clearance. I knew the budget was tight, so I just looked longingly and kept saying "wow!" without really expecting to be able to buy anything. But as we got in the checkout line (which was really long) he told me to go pick out whatever I wanted while he waited in line! I didn't buy $100 worth or anything, but it made my day nonetheless!

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Oh wonderful!! Like you, most of my stash is the cheaper acyrlic yarns, and I know how great that would have made me feel! I live in such a small area there are no shops around me at all. If I get anything special I have to order it online. I hate doing that because I want to SEE and FEEL it before I buy it.

Your hubby did a wonderful thing. I'm proud of him! lol

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