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My hubby is the best!

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The other day my husband saw an ad about a local quilting shop relocating and that they were selling their yarn at a discount. So he asked me if I was interested...?!?! Ummm...YES!!

So we hop in the car and head out. When we get there I was really dissappointed because all the yarn was super fancy. By that I mean, silk, imported wool yarn, all kinds of hand dyed hand spun yarns. And even at the wonderul 50% off, it was all still more than I have ever spent on yarn.

So I walk back out to the car (hubby was waiting with our two little girls) and climb in.

"Nothing good?" He asks.

"Just to pricey. Even half off, its like $10 a skein and up." I replied.

He just gave me this funny look and got out of the car. When he started to get our littlest one out, I asked what he was doing and he said "If you aren't going to pick some out, I am."

Ahhhhh...thats the man I married. So I hop out and all 4 of us go back in. He walks in and starts putting stuff in the basket. I finally got excited and joined in.

I walked out of there with over $200.00 worth of yarn, and only paid $100.

Now keep in mind, my ENTIRE stash is not worth that! I only have Wal-mart and maybe a couple of Micheal's yarn. So this is a HUGE deal for me.

I am just staring at it...and fondling it and generally being in awe of it. I wonder if I will ever use it. Maybe just keep it and when the hubby drives me nuts I can just pull it out and start adoring him again.

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I say that you should make something nice for yourself with it - one of those really nice throws that sortof resembles a shawl. That way, you can adore IT and remember how sweet your husband is at the same time.


I can't remember a SINGLE thing that I made for myself. EVER. I vote that YOU should!

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Quilting shops have yarn?


(What a sweetie you got! :manyheart and for heaven sake - admire the yarn for a month then use it! Else he may not help you get more :eek )

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Does he have a twin??? Can he be cloned???

I need to find me one of those!!! ;)


I say you make something for yourself too... If you have enough, a stole/scarf/shawl type thing... With nice yarn like that you have to make something that would do it justice...

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I also think your hubby is a sweet guy. I say make something that everyone could use. Like a throw or a blanket, you could make a patchwork crochet quilt and that way hubby can enjoy it also.


Once I took my hubby to a sale at the LYS, one that has the pricey expensive yarn and I didn't find anything that perked my interest. So what does he talk about after leaving, not why didn't I buy yarn, but boy that yarn store was sure busy, too bad I don't have any money or I would have you start up a yarn store. Now that would be cool, but way more expensive then I think we would ever dream about. Especially since we just bought a house!

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Ditto what the others said. Make yourself something very special with it before you make anything for anyone else from it. That way, for years to come, you can wrap yourself in it and remember what a great man you've got there!

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How awesome for you!! Little does he know that he may have planted the seeds for a potential "yarn connaissuer." Once you go high end, it's hard to look at Red Heart Super Saver the same (still a good yarn, don't get me wrong)!! I hope you have a great time when you finally work with it. But don't rush it, wait until you find the perfect pattern for it. that's what I'm doing for the 3 skeins of vargetated bamboo yarn my BF got me for my B-Day.

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I can't take my Husband yarn shopping with me. He starts picking out stuff and asking all kinds of questions and then starts designing something he wants and asks how much I need for this or that. I lose all train of thought and wind up only buying stuff he wants. I'm determined to give him a hook and teach him :hook to do it himself. Actually, I think he would but he hasn't had the use of the fingers on his right hand for the last 3 years.

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What supportive men in your lives!!! I still can't believe it!!! :)

It is refreshing that in a world full of power tools a man can walk into a yarn shop w/his better half and actually have an opinion...


My pt job is working at an ice skating shop... Very few fathers can't sit throught a fitting... If any of you skate, you know how long that can be!!! :)

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(I too have a super DH. So supportive. I have yet to "hide" or smuggle my yarn into the house. He says he loves to see what I can do with yarn. He's got a good eye for color too...what a bonus!) I concur with the others...make yourself a treat with that yarn...find the perfect pattern...then while you're working, you can adore DH, and while you're wearing your yarn, you can love DH even more. :)

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LOL! Sorry, no brothers! I have a whole list of friends who want his clone!!

I think I am going to make myself something small. But I look at some of it and I just think, wow, perfect for a hat/scarf/mittens for one of the kids.

I am just sooo happy! Its all so pretty!

I love how supportive he is. Everything I make, from the smallest to the largest, he takes it to work and shows it to everyone. Makes me feel really really good about my crochet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaaw! :bheart That was so sweet of him. Sometimes they just up and surprise you and you fall in love with them all over again.


I was telling my husband about RAOKs; and a little bit later he said he was going to RAOK me next week when he gets paid. :manyheart



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He is just darn wonderful! He went last night to pick up a new software program (he works as an IT guy) and he came home with the program AND he bought me the new 2007 Crochet a Day Pattern Calendar!!

He is spoiling me!!!!

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Lucky you!! As my dh is an IT guy, too, he's also a minimalist--does that tell you anything about how much I struggle with finding new hiding places for my stash? Can you kindly persuade your dh to give my dh a few pointers? :flowerI'm one of those women who, while appreciating the beauty of flowers (despite the fact that I haven't received any from him in 3 years) would appreciate even more the opportunity to do what you just did!! After making something for yourself, make something really nice for your dh (cashmere boxers are always nice :blush)--he deserves it!!

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I am gonna have to make him something. I made him a hat out of Wool-Ease T&Q, but its just a smidge to big. He still wears it everyday though. After almost 8 years and 2 babies (with a 3rd on the way) he is just as thoughtful now as he was way back then. More so I think.

Now I know its true when they say "Once you go geek, you never leave"!! He is a geek at heart. A hot one, and he is very smart and is always doing something related to technology.

Thank gosh his father taught him "manly" things like mechanics and carpentry. So he is a nice well rounded guy!

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What a great husband you have! To voluntarily go to a yarn sale and then to insist you purchase wonderful, pricey yarn, is a great big deal. You are very lucky.


I have to sneak my purchases in the house when he's not home.


You are truly blessed.



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