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I HAVE to get this finished...urgggg

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Okay, just a bit of a rant here..my best freinds birthday is Monday, and I started a comfort shawl for her, and I have been LAZY working on it, now I have to hustle to get it done in time...I SWEAR I have ADD when it comes to crochet lately, I get sidetracked soooo bad, have at leaste 10 things going on (WIP) and have 20 more I WANT to do...well, why do I have to work for a living..lol...if not I would have more time..so PLEASE send your Crochet vibes to me to get this darned thing done:hook

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I can SO relate...I currently have three WIPs going, two of which are Christmas presents that I'm frantically trying to get done in time. I know that sounds a long way off, but one is going to take me the entire 2 months before Christmas.


I know...that pesky work stuff! It's too bad we can't get paid to sit home and crochet all day :lol ...

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You mean we are actually supposed to finish gifts before we give them away? :eek I've given a picture of the WIP along with sample strings of yarn in more cards over the years than I care to count :blush - have to be careful tho - don't give the same WIP picture twice to the same person with different color yarn!! :lol :lol !

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You mean we are actually supposed to finish gifts before we give them away? :eek I've given a picture of the WIP along with sample strings of yarn in more cards over the years than I care to count :blush - have to be careful tho - don't give the same WIP picture twice to the same person with different color yarn!! :lol :lol !


Oh, now that's a great idea!!! I had no idea how I was going to finish all the gifts I want to make for Christmas...and now I know what to do! :hook



:cheer :cheer :cheer Go, JoAnn, Go! You can do it! :cheer :cheer :cheer

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I've given a picture of the WIP along with sample strings of yarn in more cards over the years than I care to count


Actually, I think I might have to start doing that, too :)


-- Michelle

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Okay, just a bit of a rant here..my best freinds birthday is Monday, and I started a comfort shawl for her, and I have been LAZY working on it, now I have to hustle to get it done in time...I SWEAR I have ADD when it comes to crochet lately, I get sidetracked soooo bad, have at leaste 10 things going on (WIP) and have 20 more I WANT to do...well, why do I have to work for a living..lol...if not I would have more time..so PLEASE send your Crochet vibes to me to get this darned thing done:hook


Sometimes I think I need the 'stress' of a 'deadline' to get focused, otherwise it's easy for me to put things off :)


Good Luck!


I am sure your friend will be very happy with her gift - and friends usually don't get too grumpy if their present is a bit late...


-- Michelle (who has to work hard to support her crochet habit, so chooses not to sleep much instead)

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:hugThank you all for your good wishes! Thanks to you all I managed to get down to the LAST skien now!! Woo Hooo, I WILL get it done:manyheart :hug My best friend is a bit "fluffy" like me, thus this shawl is a longer one and takes a bit longer, but hey, us fluffy gals need something to stay warm too:P

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

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i know how it is trying to get things done! i just finished a sampler that i started 17 years ago! it is now getting framed! You did a great job sending me my swap package before halloween! i am still enjoying all the great things! I know i have at least 5 things in the WIP pile! and seem to be starting more....have faith it will be done before monday......

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