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You've been talking in your sleep....

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Does anyone remember that song? The one where the woman busts her husband's affair because he talks in his sleep about his lover?


My true addiction is revealed!


I went to sleep last night with paranoia - "Can I finish all these WIPs for Xmas?" (I know I can because I planned them in my taskbook on my computer. Can you say GEEK?!) "I should be getting more of the charity work done, I should mix it up there...but would that put me behind?" (YES!) "I should really get some dishes washed during the day so DH doesn't think I sit around and crochet all day!" (I have to eat in there, too!) So this is the stress that lulled me to sleep - after hours of laying there.


So I wake up this morning, EXHAUSTED!!! And the first thing my husband says to me was, "You were talking in your sleep last night about crocheting." :rofl "You were talking about wanting to get more skeins of the Red Heart blah blah blah (I'm sure I was clear here, he just doesn't have the right terminology). And then you went on to talk about which pattern would be best for the shade of watercolor. What do paints have to do with crocheting?!?!?!" By this time, I was ROLLING on the floor laughing!


I meant to tell you all of this earlier today, but lost track of time...


So I'm sitting in bed tonight, crocheting (what else?), DH snoring by my side. And he says (in his sleep) "Did you find the hook you were looking for? I think it's in the black crochet bag that you took to the doctor."


So Now I've got HIM in on my obsession!!!! :rofl I can't wait to tell him about this one in the morning!

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haha, that's a great story! I'm actually at the library studying late for 2 tests I have coming up (coming to crochetville and reading the new posts for a minute or 2 is what I'm doing as my study break) and I had to laugh out loud when I read about your DH sleep talking. I think I might've annoyed a bunch of people here, oops... thanks for sharing your story though! definitely brightened up my night...

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i just got home from working all night and read this...***...too funny,

my husband says i answer the phone in my sleep, cant imagine what he would say if he heard I was crocheting. he says it has taken over my life he would believe it for sure then...way too funny. you have just make my day or night oh my or what ever it is now.

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Too funny...that's one thing I haven't even dreamed about while sleeping, crocheting...no, I don't have to, my muse, if she's being insanely devious, will wake me up at 3:00 a.m. and say, "Here's what you can do..." If I'm thinking crocheting, I'm not sleeping...


I love that your husband talked crochet in his sleep...

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Too Funny:rofl ! But you know that you are a very lucky Lady to have such a tuned in sort of guy that he is thinking about you and your problems even while he is ASLEEP!!:yes He's a KEEPER!

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I once had a neighbor who had a serious problem with sleepy walking. He was caught driving in his sleep more than once.


I asked him if he could teach me to crochet in my sleep. I'd never have a WIP or UFO left!!!:rofl :rofl :rofl

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That is SOOO funny! I especially love that he told you where your crochet hook was! :lol


My dad talks in his sleep. My brother and I would hold conversations with him. Then we got smart and started asking him if we could have some money. :P (That didn't go over to well though, later...)



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Then we got smart and started asking him if we could have some money. :P (That didn't go over to well though, later...)




That is TOO funny! Did he really offer up money?!?!


I can converse with my DH when he talks in his sleep, but I don't answer him when I talk in my sleep. Scary if we were both talking in our sleep to each other. :lol (But who would know?!?!?)

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