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Who sticks to patterns anyway?

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Who out there follows a pattern to the T?


While I'm a novice at crochet and don't touch anything too complicated yet. I find that I tend to grab a pattern for concept and then well...deviate. No matter how hard I try...I can't seem to stick to a pattern.



I recognize that I do simple things and If I were making a sweater I guess I'd have to stick to a pattern...but I'm not so sure even THEN I would be able to stick to it.


Am I the only one out there? After all...Crochet IS an art right?

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I so do not follow any pattern to a T...for me a pattern is a guideline. That being said, if it's something new that I don't quite have the concept down entirely, I will tend to follow the pattern a little closer than usual. I'll try to use the recommended yarn and hook and double check the gauge, but once I have the concept down, if I'm inspired, heck yeah, I'm gonna deviate...a little anyway...


Probably the one thing I tend to do the most though in my tweaking is adjusting for size...and I totally agree with you, to me Crochet IS an art form...

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What's a pattern? :lol:hook


Honestly, I may link to 9,000+ patterns (and tutorials) but I only use one once in a blue moon.


My clothing accessories, flowers, home decor, etc, items are all freeform, and not half bad looking (at least to me!)

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I very rarely follow a pattern to the letter. I think the last time I did it was when I was doing baby things when I was pregnant, they are now 17 and 21.


I will look at a pattern and get inspiration and then change things as I go along, It works for me!

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It depends. Sometimes (if I like the way it's done) I follow it. Often, I'll be making an afghan pattern and realize a better way to do it, but I'm too invested in it. If I ever made a pattern a second time, I would change it then, but I don't think I've EVER made the same pattern twice!

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For me, it depends. If I really like it as is, I won't deviate much...Too often the pattern I like is in a yarn I don't....so the first thing I "wing" is the yarn. Then quite often I catch myself "editing" as I go. If I know I'll be making it again, I'll make notes of my own changes. otherwise, I let it go. I have more in my collection than I could do one each of (assuming I'd still want to :P) let alone multiples...but then again...I've made HOW MANY doll basinet purses?! yah...

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I usually look for a pattern and then i follow it. to a "T", I might add a border or something, but I really like following patterns. I just am not confident enough to "wing" things even though I have crocheted lots of different types of items.


I follow patterns for a couple of reasons, I think.


1) I don't want to waste a lot of time frogging if something I make up ends up screwed up; I would rather make something beautiful and move on to the next item.


2) I'm someone who's always been as logical/scientific minded as I am creative----I loved math and was so good at it I tutored people in college even though I was an English major. To me, a pattern is like a math problem, and I want to get it right, to prove I can do it the right way and get the right "answer."



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It depends for me. When it comes to sweaters for myself, I very rarely follow the pattern to the 'T' because I have a long torso and long arms.


I do like to "play around" with patterns though.

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I go both ways:

I don't generally mess with doily patterns for instance - I do them because they are beautiful so why mess with it?


Other patterns are iffy. I just made the dolly snuggly (dolly backpack from A'sA) but I didn't like the way it was done- safety wise for little dollies ... so it was an inspiration.


I also tend to adjust for size or whatever.


Then there are patterns like the SS Sage green jacket that I watched unfold here. now there was a pattern that begged for interpretation

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I'll follow the pattern as far as the item goes ie: sweater, hat, doily: that's why I bought the pattern, to make the item, after all , why spend the money the pattern if I'm not going tofollow it( if that were the case, I'd just look aat the picture and "wing it".) Bow, I never think of the yarn , in so far as brand of yarn goes, to be part of the pattern. I will use whatevr yarn is of the same weight and hand as the yarn used by the designer. Yes it means I have to do swatches, sometimes several swatches, but I'd do swatches whenever i make a wearable anyway: only way to ensure that it is actually going to fit.

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Sometimes I stay with the pattern & other times I deviate for various reasons. Sometimes it is merely by accident lol & then I go with the flow, or I may decide to add rows to make larger, "delete rows" to make smaller, add an edging, eliminate sleeves altogether, or take a major turn in the road & change a doily pattern into a handbag. Then other times I like a pattern so well that I stick to the designers plans for it right down to the type of yarn.

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I go both ways:

I don't generally mess with doily patterns for instance - I do them because they are beautiful so why mess with it?


Other patterns are iffy. I just made the dolly snuggly (dolly backpack from A'sA) but I didn't like the way it was done- safety wise for little dollies ... so it was an inspiration.


I also tend to adjust for size or whatever.


Then there are patterns like the SS Sage green jacket that I watched unfold here. now there was a pattern that begged for interpretation


Real good point here...(in bold) If I stick to a pattern close to 100%, it's with the doily patterns...


And yeah that SS Sage jacket (which I did in pink) definately was a pattern that I think in the end was meant to inspire people rather than have them follow to the letter...

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Hook size and yarn are usually the only things I do change but I am starting to be a little more confident - I don't mind changing something so it makes sense to me. I also tend to add extra rounds / rows (and I often make a mistake or two, so those are unintentional deviations).


-- Michelle

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Its amazing to me that I'm not confident enough in my skills to follow a pattern yet others are not confident enough to NOT follow a pattern.


I'm typically a very logical person...as someone mentioned...there is a certain mathematical property to crochet...yet...this is one thing that I just can't seem to apply that sense to.


I'm sooooooo glad I'm not alone.

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To Shelly,


In all the years that I have been crocheting (several decades) I rarely

stick to the pattern. Currently I am crocheting a sweater, the pattern

comes in two sizes - too small and too large! I have altered the number

of stitches to make a size in between. I don't know if it will work, but I

can always unpick it and start again. You can learn a lot just by experiment-



Good luck with not following patterns.



(Cambridgeshire, UK)

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