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Poll: Left or Right Handed?


I crochet:  

870 members have voted

  1. 1. I crochet:

    • Left-handed
    • Right-handed
    • I can use either hand

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I am a righty but I married a lefty and we have 2 out of 3 daughters that are lefties now you try getting all of them around a dinner table (know what I mean!!!!???!!!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I crochet rh, mostly. But Ilearned to do both, so I could teach lefties...I can ch, sc, and I think dc too...I'll have to check now..left hand...but it's very slow, so I stick with RH for my own work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was born a righty... and i crochet with my right hand. when i knit i throw my yarn with my left hand... it's kinda like a left handed english, it's how i learned.


i've been thinking about teaching myself to crochet left handed b/c my right wrist gets really sore when i crochet or knit for too long mainly b/c my wrist tendons are held onto the bone with surgical twine as i managed to rip my tendons apart about 6 years ago. but i think it would be too much work and i'll default to my right hand (just like when i taught myself how to throw with my right hand when i knit... i gave it up and defaulted back to my left)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have Donna Koolers Encylopedia of Crochet. They have diagrams for both learning Left and Right handed. There may also written directions I didn't notice. Could be interesting to see how many of us could learn on the opposite hand.

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LEFTIES are the BEST!!!!!!!! LOL! :D


YAY LEFTIES! Know the little ditty: If the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then.............left handed people are in their right minds! :D

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I am a leftie but crochet right-handed. My grandmother tried to teach me mirror but I couldn't get the hang of it. So, the only thing I do right handed is crochet. I married a man who eats left and writes right and yet both my children are right-handed. Go figure!

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I'm mostly a lefty. Actualy, I've found as I get older, I become more of a lefty. When I was little, I was prety ambi. So much so that I remember a time at pre-school where I changed hands because you color with the left and write with the right... It's amazing how silly people can be.

Being a lefty is tough when reading patterns sometimes. Especially when they try and explain rsc (going from left to right.... wait, I do that normally!). It also means I have to be careful choosing airplane seats if I intend on crocheting....

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