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Finishing off

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What's your favorite way to finish off a project? I've been wondering what's the most popular. Weaving, tying, glueing etc. :)


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I weave them in and haven't had any problems. The knotting leaves a hard little spot, as does glueing (if it isn't hard, it is at least scratchy), and I don't think it is very nice to have a nicely done soft project and then come across a hard spot like a knot or a scratchy hard spot like glue. Just my opinion, though.



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I weave in the ends -- although, DON'T make the mistake I did in the beginning. I completed an afghan (that took a good two months of my life), but I only left about 2" ends to weave in. I still have the afghan on the back of my sofa, but I do my best not to let anyone see the backside -- it's a mass of ends popping out! Be sure to always have at least 6" ends to weave in, so that they will stay put.

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I admit, much as I HATE the thought of weaving in the ends, and almost always leave them all till the whole project is finished, once I sit down and start weaving in the ends, it's almost relaxing.

Almost like a game of hide and seek with the yarn/thread!


There is a site that has an invisible joining method, I keep forgetting to bookmark it. I'm just glad the last time I went searching for it, I had a sneaking suspicion whose site it was on!


http://pandacrochet.8m.com/hidden_ends.htm I like this particularly when working with squares or motifs.


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I do that as well. Just recently I've been experimenting with gluing and knotting, but weaving is my preference.


I'm a total nerd and love weaving in the ends of a project. I try to leave between 6"-8" free for weaving in, and then I try to cut my yarn as close to the last weave-in spot as possible.
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I use a yarn needle and weave/sew the ends in. By useing a needle, I am splitting yarn strands as I weave it. This REALLY works well. Believe me, more than once I have had to frog something out (I weave as I go along) and couldn't get them apart because they were so sewn in.

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I do the same as Linda. And I have the same problem. The weave is so good that I had better be sure I don't want to frog it. That's why I sometimes leave all the weaves until I am finished.

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I'm a weaver. Was taught to do it that way from the beginning and have never considered doing anything else. I also wait until the entire project is done and then do the "hide and seek" game for ends. It is sort of relaxing. I like seeing the change from the finished project with the ends all sticking out to the final result.

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I have never tried that! I've always wondered about it but didn't feel like the extra bother or using a needle. I think I'll give it a go tomorrow. :)


I use a yarn needle and weave/sew the ends in. By useing a needle, I am splitting yarn strands as I weave it. This REALLY works well. Believe me, more than once I have had to frog something out (I weave as I go along) and couldn't get them apart because they were so sewn in.
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