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Need Some Help

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Last June I bought 2 of the 16 oz. hanks that Red Heart sometimes puts out. I bought two because they were the only two in this particular color. I didn't like any of the others.


I came across a duster pattern. It called for X amount of yardage. When I checked my labels, my lavendar RH had what seemed to be 200 yards more than required.


I've worked on this thing, off and on, since late July. I have not enjoyed working on it. But I got so far in, I figured I might as well finish. Well, obviously I am not going to have enough yarn.


The body and sleeves are done. It's the trim around the entire outside edge that needs doing. It seems RH must have discontinued this particular color. When I went to get the 8 oz size, the color is off just enough to be noticable.


The only yarn I can find that is closet to what I have is Caron's Simply Soft. So, here's the question - finally.


Would it look odd to have an entire sweater out of RH worsted and the trim out of Simply Soft, since the textures are so different? It isn't just a simple edging. It's kind of like mini pineapples. In other words, the edge is noticable and part of the design.


My other option might be to get an ombre that has a similar color to the main color and use that. Then you wouldn't really notice a difference. The reason I hesitate to do it is because the entire body has a pattern stitch. It might look too busy.


You guys decide. I'm tired of thinking about this danged sweater.


This is the best I can do with a picture.


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I'm in agreement with the empress & snugsmontreal - ombre would be too busy - I'd do an off white accent (off white is easier to keep clean than pure white and I think it is more of an accent than contrast - but that could be just me).

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I agree with the others, and also I would DEFINATLY post what you need on the board, and maybe, just maybe, someone has a small stash of it sitting around, good luck!

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I'm going to try a couple of more shops to see if I come up with something. Otherwise, I'll be posting asking if anyone has some they want to part with.


It just seems fitting that I'm having a problem. I disliked this project so much. I was looking forward to finally being done with it. Seems like it haunting me. :lol

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