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Trouble accessing crochet pattern central

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Is anyone else having trouble reaching Crochet Pattern Central? I tried via my bookmarks and links to the site from Crochetville...keep getting that annoying message:" w w w crochetpatterncentral com could not be found.." I know the bookmark is correct, used it last night. All my other bookmarks are working, so I know it's not an internal computer issue, or an issue with my browser or my isp.

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Sorry C'villers! I can explain:


Usually, the yearly renew-the-domain goes very smoothly. This time it didn't. They changed things around, deleted my dns (or whatever that means). I didn't have access to it either (for awhile).


Remember when some of us couldn't access C'ville for quite some time it switched recently? Same deal. Your ISP has to "renew the dns" or something like that. For some it will be instantaneous, for others within hours, for others days.


If someone in a week's time cannot access CPC, then I will worry and call out the techs! :)

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First of all, I love,love,love,love CrochetPatternCentral. I think it is one of the best resources on the net. I was finally able to access it this morning. DNS stand for , depending on the useage, Domain Name Service, Domain Name Server, Domain Name Space. It's the "thing"/way that a "friendly" url, in this case Crochetpatterncentral.com, is translated into an actual ip address so it can be located on the internet.

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Thanks so much, Rachel, for creating and updating your site. I hadn't seen this thread, so I started another today. I am totally addicted to CPC, so I've been a bit nuts these past two days, but now that I know why, I think I can survive.


I just LOVE your site!!

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Should I tell the awful truth - in other groups, someone would say, "I am trying to find XYZ afghan pattern" and I would think, "Well did you even try CPC?" then I would go to CPC and there it is... big as life.


I love that place. I really like all the categories too. We are just so blessed in the crochet on the net community:c9 :yay:hook

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Rachel, I have to add my voice to the chorus of praise of your super-excellent site. I always, always start my pattern searches there, and usually find whatever I need. It has also led me on to many other wonderful sites, including crochetville. Keep up the good work!

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Hi all


If Rachel's site hosts have changed her DNS, it can take a few days to "propagate" -- in other words, for all the other ISPs to update their DNS "directories" to the new address. Hope everyone is now able to access this wonderful site again!



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