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Thanking Etiquette

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I am a bit bewildered at what the proper etiquette is for cyber thank you's. I have been so blessed by so many different people here at the 'Ville during swaps and such, and I always publicly thank the person for their generosity but I feel I have been remiss in that I don't send these people personal thank you cards.


I know with the advent of internet and emails, it makes it easy to send off an ecard or come to the board to post a thank you. But should I also send a snail mail thank you?


What do you do? I used to be REALLY good with thank you cards, but since I have gotten on the internet, that has gone by the way side. I don't want people thinking I am ungreatful, because I am thankful I have this site, more than anyone could know.


Just wanting to hear some thoughts. Thanks!

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If a person has responded to a thread that has helped you, a PM, is sufficient, along with a public thank you. I also think if it is a swap, you should take a a pic and show it on the swap thread. I believe acknowledgement of effort on your behalf is a polite and supportive thing to do. If, as an added regard, a snail mail thank you is up to you.

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I try to send proper snail-mail "thank yous" to the people in my life who have helped me or given me a gift, or even just someone I've spent an evening with and had a good time...a "thank you" in any form (in the thread, PM, e-mail, e-card or snail-mail) is wonderful and I am sure it is always much appreciated but there is something extra-special about receiving a little note or a card in the mail. To me, it shows extra effort and consideration but it's the type of thing people notice and appreciate when they receive, not so much when they don't :)


-- Michelle (who is not making much sense today and shall blame the heat).

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wonderful and I am sure it is always much appreciated but there is something extra-special about receiving a little note or a card in the mail.


Gosh, this about says it all eh? Thank you all for the wonderful responses, you have helped me tremendously!


Time to stock up on cards and stamps!!! :lol

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Hey KnicKnac...it's always nice to get snail mail...especially in the form or cards and such, it feels like Christmas you know...and I am a fan of cards as such...


However, as wonderful as that all is (and trust me I send out my fair share of cards) sometimes life just gets insane. I still owe a special thank you via snail mail to someone, however I did thank her via pm, and thread...that's the acknowledgement.


For me, as long as I get some kind of acknowledgement (especially when I sent something via snailmail in the form of a package, because I want to know if it arrived safely) it really doesn't matter if it's via email, acknowledgement in a thread or a pm...


Bottomline for me is that snail mail is wonderful, I think it's great to receive something, but don't get too bogged down if life gets occasionally unruly...most people will understand.

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Kay I really don't have alot of time. In fact Im typing this at work right now. So I don't really have time for snail mail thank yous. I usually email or text or call. I know its bad. but what can you do. :(


Well back to work

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Kay I really don't have alot of time. In fact Im typing this at work right now. So I don't really have time for snail mail thank yous. I usually email or text or call. I know its bad. but what can you do. :(


Well back to work


But see, why should any of us feel guilty if we have phoned, said thanks in person, sent an email or a pm or posted thank you in a thread...why feel guilty if you've done one of the above, but not a snail mail thank you? It's nice, but I don't think we should beat ourselves up for not physically writing out in cursive on card stock a thank you...

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I have been typing so long too I think I have forgotten how to write in cursive! ;-)


Thanks eurolyons for bringing reality into things...sometimes it is hard. But I am going to strive to get better.


Thanks for all the responses.

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Just to add my 2-cents (I don't have the energy to find the smiley right now lol):


1) it's always GREAT to get something in the mail that isn't a bill!

2) (personal opinion only) If you're going to send a thank you note, don't just sign your name to a card, write, at least, a brief personal note as well

3) sometimes I "cheat" and make a fill-in-the-blanks template to help me write a thank you notes - especially if its for big events like a wedding, bridal/baby shower, funeral, Christmas etc where you tend to write more than one note at a time (I've actaully gotten a thank-you note in return for sending someone a thank-you note - somehow I have a "reputation" to live up to)

4) I keep a stash of thank you notes, blank note cards (5/$1 - dollar store), stamps and our address book handy so it's quick & easy to write a thank you.


If you're losing sleep or worried about whether or not to send a thank-you note to someone - just send one and get it over with, if it seems redundant (because you've electronically sent one) - then send a "just because" of "thinking of you" card with a small note.


... but that's just my 2-cents



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Another stupid question... What is a PM? Thanks for the info.


PM stands for private message. We can private message any member we like using C'ville's messaging system. (Scroll up to the top of the page and look to the right near the top. See how it says "Welcome USERNAME, You Last Visited...and then how many PM's you have".


As for KnicKnack's question...I'd think a snail mail card/letter/note would be an added and appreciated bonus, but not totally necessary if you already acknowledged the help/gift via a post, pm, blog post, e-card, or whatever. :)

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The general rule has always been if you receive something a thank you is warrented, in any form, IE message board, email or snail mail. If you think it was extra special maybe a thank you card via the net or by snail mail, or both.

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But see, why should any of us feel guilty if we have phoned, said thanks in person, sent an email or a pm or posted thank you in a thread...why feel guilty if you've done one of the above, but not a snail mail thank you? It's nice, but I don't think we should beat ourselves up for not physically writing out in cursive on card stock a thank you...


I agree. I know there are some that stand on ceremony and get offended if they don't get a hand written thank-you, but not me. An e-card or public thanks gives me the same warm fuzzy a snail card would.

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One thank you is plenty, whether given in person, phone call, email, ecard, snail mail card, or however. It isn't hard and doesn't take much time.


There have been many times when I have not received a thank you for a gift I have spent hours making. It's a shame when a recipient can't take 5 minutes to acknowlege the gift.

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