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Trying to sort and this is what I get!!

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Well, I spent weeks making squares for DH's afghan for Christmas because, of course, he HAD to have a BIG one. I made enough for queen sized bed. I took them all out to line them up, find good places for them, etc, before getting ready to attach them and right in the middle of that, this is what I get..........



THEN......I decide, well, now that I've finally figured that out, I should sort out my yarn seeing how every now and then it gets a bit out of control, sorting-wise. I put one skein of yarn on the bed and the cat jumps up. I throw the cat off. He jumps back up. I thrown him again...he jumps back up again......finally I give up and say 'fine, you want to stay on the bed, see if I care'. This is what he did.......



I'm tellin' ya....I'm not sure who runs this house, me or the dang cats!! :manyheart:cat

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Lisa, your babies are adorable. I am like you -- I have 3 fur babies (all kitties) and I love them. But, they do act like we are their servants! LOL And they also believe that anything and everything in the house is for their use, if they so choose. :-D Mine love to sit close to me and watch the yarn moving up and down. Then they decide I need help and jump into the basket to get the next skein.


And Julie is right -- they are every bit as smart as a person, so it takes some effort to keep one step ahead of them when it comes time to sort and put away. :-)

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Just keep in mind if you ever decide to donate or sell your items or yarn, it would be kind to let the new owner know that the cats have come into contact with it. For people like me, yarn+cats=MISERY.


Ditto! :sick:tired



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Ha, ha...hee, hee! :heehee The cat I had growing up always thought she could help me with my homework...She would jump up on my desk and plop her big furry body down right in the middle of my book/papers so I couldn't see a thing! Also, have you ever noticed how cats seem to have this strange way of always coming to sit on your lap just at the moment you decide it's time to get up and do something?! Is it ESP, or just plain mischief? :scrachin

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Too cute! Love those stripey tabby cats. I have a long-haired brown tabby (Maine coon mix), a black and white, and a Russian blue. And yes, they like to sit on whatever I'm working on, or the keyboard, or the book I'm trying to read. They are going to drive my sister's cats crazy, because they were all over the tree skirt I finished last night for her for Christmas so it's 'decorated' with fur. I laid it out on my bed to take a photo to share with ya'll, and who jumped up on it? Wrong! One of the dogs! Good thing we all like everything we own covered in fur.

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Yeah,the cats pretty much have us trained here. In, out, in, out, "feed me, pet me, move over, you're in my spot on the couch." You put an afghan on the floor to measure, they are right there to test it out. "Yep, feels good to me." It passed the cat test. It's all good! :hook

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LOL great pics! My kitty Mr. French (no, not family affair think Trailer Park Boys as in Steve French) he likes to check out my yarn and get on my projects too.

I think they know we need to stop and laugh once in a while, just love their antics.

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>> Dogs have owners.. cats have staff! <<


How true! :-)


I am a late night kind of person and my kitties keep me company til two or three in the a.m. when I am finally able to go to bed. Even then, they have the run (literally!) of the house. I have a Norwegian Forest (14 y.o. and still acts like a kitten), a Heinz 57 black and white tuxedo short hair, and a Maine Coon (who thinks and acts like a kitten). The short hair and the Maine Coon are both 3 y.o. and both weigh about 23 lbs each (which is okay on the Maine Coon, but not so much on the short hair), so when they jump into stuff, like my yarn and crochet basket, things really go flying!


How true the saying -- "every dog has his day, but the nights belong to us pussycats". :-D

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I love it...I'm nothing but a big mouse toy to Serenghetti...and man do we have wars when it comes to yarn...she's addicted I swear.


Your babies are adorable.

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you know the yarn will make a good blankie since the cute ball of fur decided to nest in it! This makes me miss my babies...they always knew when i was having a rough day! When i would come home from college and sit on the porch (outside barn type cats) they would come sit on my lap and refuse to move and if Fuzzy didn't get his due attention he'd crawl up my back!....It's funny how cats know exactly what gets us! At least your kitties approve of your crochet! lol :) the afghan squares look lovely by the way

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