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The CGOA have a question

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I was reading in Annies Crochet That there is a national org. I was just wondering if it is worth the $35 dollars to join. I don't get a whole lot of time to do much, I was going to order Annies Crochet, but was wondering if it would be better to join the org. Your thoughts??:think

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Sure why not :) I'm joining... for the $35 you also get a subscription to Crochet! magazine which is about $20 on it's own, more if you buy it issue by issue on the newstand. Joining CGOA you support your craft and get other perks as well. I thought about it a long time before I made the decision to join, but there's far more benefits than there is drawbacks.. and again, you're supporting an organization that promotes and supports one of our greatest loves.. crochet! :D

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