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County Fairs-Did you enter?

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Just wanted to know how many of you entered your local county fair this year?


For the First Time?


After many years of not entering?


I hope we encouraged many people to enter this year and I hope we can keep entering! It is fun, and exciting.


And if you didn't get a chance to enter this year, will you next year?


I sure hope so.


Also, thanks for all the postings of how you did. It was great to read all the wonderful winning postings! And pictures were great also.


So, now who entered?



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I entered our county fair this year for the 2nd year in a row. Last year I was disappointed in the judge that our fair board chose. Her specialty was cooking and she judged everything in our Open Class. This year they got a more qualified judge--she even made comments on the backs of our cards that were attached to our items. This year I entered and received:


Yellow Baby afghan--BLUE

Teddy bear--BLUE

3-Rose doily--BLUE

stocking hat--BLUE

Something else--BLUE LOL I can't remember. Just know I got 5 blues!


My goal this year is to enter something in the Iowa State Fair. NOT sure I'll get there. It has been my goal for 3-4 years now! LOL:lol

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I did enter, both my county fair and the state fair. I'm fighting a one-woman crusade to bring back the exhibition! For too many years I've gone and lamented the dwindling exhibits, so I took it upon myself to exhibit as much as I could; not for the ribbons (which are fun, admittedly), but to try to turn the tides on exhibitions.

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Between my boys and I we entered 30 items in the fair. I entered 18, most of which were crochet. I too thought that most of my crochet items were not impressive enough to win (b/c I am so new to crocheting), but I received 2 red ribbons and the rest were blue! Everything we entered (all 30 items) received ribbons. My youngest even recived "Best of Show" in the Jr. Division/Natural Materials, for his shredded wheat wreath. We won over $100 for all of our ribbons, but more importantly we felt a sence of accomplishment.


I too have been encouraging every one I can to enter things in the fair. Most people are not even really aware they can enter anything, or how to enter, or that they are rewarded for their entries. Once I talk with them about it they all feel as if they could never do that b/c theirs is not good enough. I tell them you "won't know until you try". Then I tell them how I was the ONLY one to enter anything in handspun, in knitting, and in leather work, and one of only three to enter anything in recycled items, plus I was the only one with a St. Pattie's of Fourth of July entry in Holidays, so who knows what can happen.


I really need to get off my duff and learn to post pics b/c I would love to share my work with all of you. I was rather impressed at how some things turned out, even if I do say so myself. ;)


The boys and I are already working on entries for next year!!!

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I too entered our long island fair this year. I entered 5 things, 2 crochet and 3 baked. I loved the whole experience!! I also took 4 ribbons, two 3rd place, one 2nd place and my cathedral afghan took 1st place!!! I never entered before and was thinking I was way out of my league but I guess not. I am already thinking about next years fair, I want to enter even more stuff!! I love these fairs, they really are fun!!!

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I read other peoples postings for county fairs after ours had already past, so I am seriously considering entering for the first time next year. I am not going to enter hoping for a ribbon, although don't get me wrong that would be nice, but I would at least like to say, "yes, I entered something in the county fair." Now my big decision is trying to decide what to enter. I am thinking about entering a couple of different items, like a blanket and a stuffed toy (although practicing this was not an easy task, I have frogged it several times).

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I entered the Boonville-Oneida County (New York) fair for the first time this year. I have been wanting to enter forever! I finally got up the nerve and did it. I won blue ribbons for everthing I entered. You can read about it in this post: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=30966&highlight=fair


Next year I am going to enter the State fair. I missed the deadline for that this year. It has much tougher judging. Your item has to be accepted by the fair before a judge even sees it! Yikes!

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I had intentions to, but the day I was supposed to take things to enter them one of our horses got gravely ill and had to be humanely put down. Needless to say I wasn't much in a competition mood at that point :(


Next year however, I intend to enter both our County and State fairs :blush

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I am in a Crochet Guild and we all did like 4 or 5 squares. We held one meeting and put them all together. One lady took it home and put the border on it. The fair opens on Monday. I hope we win. The afghan turned out a lot better than I expected. I was thinking about entering some things, but I'm going to wait to see how this goes first.

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i entered out sate fair out here in arizona for the first time ever... i have entered my cathedral rose window ghan county fair isnt here yet but i am thinking about entering that to maybe. our state fair was judged on the 7th of october and it starts the 13th so im not sure yet how my ghan did. i would be happy with honorable mention as long as it comes home with something

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Most judges are looking for good quality projects, originality, no obvious mistakes, colorful projects with good end concealment, and things that fit into each division. You wouldn't put a tablecloth in the afghan division. Things like that.


Good luck to all who enter this year and next. It's a lot of fun and it helps spread the word of crochet.


Keep up the entering, everyone! I start my projects after the first of the new year.



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I have never entered, but have to say that thanks to all who have shared here at the ville I have gone to the county fair website to print up the categories. I am going to get started after Christmas and hope to enter 4-5 items. Thanks for turning my head to this!

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