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Has this ever happened to you?

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So I rolled my yarn in a ball before I started my project. I have never done that before. I just started last night. This morning I had to run around town (I always take a project with me in case I get time to squeeze work in, but mostly because I can't bear to leave it at home). Not once, but twice, the ball fell out of my purse and rolled all the way down a long hill. I will never ever ever ball my yarn again. I was holding up traffic chasing my yarn through a parking lot the second time. Then I had to spend 15 minutes picking all the pinestraw out of my yarn.

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Oh my! I'm sorry that happened.


What I do with my balled yarn is put it into a ziplock bag, it really helps me with the rolling problem and you can work from the bag by pulling the working strand out and only zipping the bag 1/2 to 3/4 of the way closed.

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Oh, I am so sorry. That sounds awful and I know that yarn balls are very adapt at rolling out of purses. One little suggestion... put the ball in a plastic quart or gallon size ziplock bag (I staple mine closed). Make a small hole at the bottom of the bag and run the yarn out of the hole. Silly but effective.


HAHA... Starr and I wrote basically the same thing....:lol

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My husband will kick balls down the hallway on me to be a punk, but the only balled yarn I have is usually leftovers, which I use to make animal shelter blankets. I prefer to NOT ball my yarn, actually, because I am worried I am going to stretch it out. That, and I'm lazy and it takes too long. LOL!


I have to admit, though, picturing you flailing and running downhill, chasing a wayward ball of yarn is pretty funny... *giggle* :lol

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i'am with suebee I also never ball my yarn, i remeber sitting for hours holding yarn while my mom balled hers....i prefer to pull my yarn from the center...you can change the tune of my poor meatball song to my poor balled yarn...lol *wink*

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I saw the cutest solution to carrying a ball of yarn this past week. I get together with a bunch of knitters and two of them came with the latest knit craze. It's a small fabric bag made to look like a bug and they carry their sock yarn and sock needles in it. It has a shoulder strap and is the perfect height to knit while standing in line. I, of course, saw it would be perfect for small crochet projects.....especially if you roll your yarn into balls.


I can't find them online right now but I'll see them tomorrow and see where they got them.

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Oh Lara, I have had balls of yarn "run away." so when I read your post I actually started laughing. I know how frustrating the experience was, but there is a funny side to it, when you think about the ball of yarn rolling down the hill and holding up traffic. I guess it's the kind of thing that you'll laugh about eventually (but maybe not yet).


The suggestions about the zip-lock bag are good ones. That's what I do now.

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Happens to all of us eventually :-) I was knitting in class when the ball (dark color) leapt out and "ran" towards the professor, who jumped because he thought it was a large rat LOL I suppose I should only knit with bright colors in class ...

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I read somewhere that you can use an empty Quaker oatmeal container and just cut a hole in the top to feed your yarn through! :yes


Great tip!


I'm going to try to make something out of the bazllion and a half 2-liter bottles I have.


I think I'm going to cut a little door in the side, stick the yarn in and pull the end through the top somehow.


I've yet to figure that part out. But I figure it will spin nicely in the plastic bottle!

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I was holding up traffic chasing my yarn through a parking lot the second time. Then I had to spend 15 minutes picking all the pinestraw out of my yarn.


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


I'm sorry, I know you are very frustrated but that picture is hilarious. It gave me a wonderful picture in my head. Can you imagine the headlines. "WOMAN TIES UP TRAFFICE CHASING BALL OF YARN!"

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Lara, you are cracking me up! Thanks so much for putting a smile on my face. Like Starr, I put my yarn in a ziplock bag; it keeps it from running away, keeps it protected from my cats, and keeps it clean. A 3-uses-in-1 tool !

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Sometimes my cats get the end of a ball of yarn and that is a site to see also! One morning I got up and there was yarn from one end of my house to the other up the stairs and back down :thair. All I could do is :rofl took me awhile to rewind since it was under the kitchen table,under chairs! Then those darn :cat's sit there like little :angel's

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so sorry, but I HAD to laugh out loud when I read your post..because YES this HAS happened to me...I am sorry for you, that sucks, but things like that do happen..big hug!!

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I don't roll my yarn but I did have my husband pull out a half a skein. He had gone into the living room to turn off the tv and stepped on a strand of yarn. By the time he saw it he had practically strung it out the length of our house. He got mad about it, I just laughed I thought it was funny. but maybe that was because he had already picked it up.

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Great tip!


I'm going to try to make something out of the bazllion and a half 2-liter bottles I have.


I think I'm going to cut a little door in the side, stick the yarn in and pull the end through the top somehow.


I've yet to figure that part out. But I figure it will spin nicely in the plastic bottle!


My grandmother did that. She cut along the bottom half (there used to be a colored cap thingy at the bottom of some of them) then she would just push the clear part back into the bottom and pull the thread from the spout. I think it sould still work without the cap thingy. the plastic is flexible. You could just shove it inside the bottom part and it will stay. At least hers always did.

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Great tip!


I'm going to try to make something out of the bazllion and a half 2-liter bottles I have.


I think I'm going to cut a little door in the side, stick the yarn in and pull the end through the top somehow.


I've yet to figure that part out. But I figure it will spin nicely in the plastic bottle!



your idea should be simple enough. I am presuming you mean empty 2 L drink bottles. when you cut the hole in the side and place the yarn inside, just pull the string and poke it up through the top hole. you may try doing it before you put the full amount in the bottle, or after the ball is in.


If there IS a difficulty getting it up to the hole and out, why not do the slip knot (starting loop), place the hook into the loop and tighten it, THEN slide the bottom of hook up through the hole while pulling the thread up through it??


Just brainstorming here :)



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What great idea's and funny stories, thank you all for sharing.


Some of my :cat totally bug out when I take out my :yarn and if I don't cut a piece off and throw some on the floor for them they will jump up and try to grab the hanging part which usually ends up with toe nails in my thigh, ouch :eek

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Oh no!

I have this vision of you chasing your yarn, and if I couldn't sympathize with how awful that must be it might be funny.

Crochet tote. I have the Eagle bag which is quite large - too big for around town, but they have a smaller one-skein version. And it's on SALE!!!


Mine holds 6 skeins with a huge center pocket and its amazing. It had pockets for the yarn balls or skeins with grommets so the yarn stays put but pulls up easily. I love love love it.

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What also works is those lysol containers that the wipes come in. They already have the top in them and can hold one skein (larger ones can hold 2) the best part is that the containter is already cleaned out.



Genius!!! What a great idea! And of course because we're crafty folks, we can crochet caddy's with straps so that we can take them everywhere with us! :cheer

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I was laughing while reading about the yarn balls rolling away. It is my hook that tries to escape while I'm not paying attention. I am always digging it out of my chair. But the worst is when it jumps off my lap while I'm sitting in the car and it ends up between the seat and the door. Then I can't crochet until we stop so I can open the door to retreive it!


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