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Jimmie Lus fair winnings

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I entered our community far the beginning of the month and here is a list of what I entered. Keep in mind I NEVER entered in a fair before

Poncho won nothing

Photography won nothing

Dont feel sad I did win some stuff

Blue ribbon apple pie 2nd place

Raspberry brownies 3rd

Crochet Cap 1st

knit hat 1st

mittens 1st

slippers 1st

shawl 2nd

doll 1st

useful item (a bag holder) 3rd

potholders 2nd

afgahn(35 sq gahn) 2nd


I am so excited that I won and am planning ahead for next year.

alot of my items were inspired here on the ville and I just wanted to share

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Man oh Man Jimmie Lu! Congratulations!!!!! I entered Cal Expo (California's big state fair) the first time about 20 years ago and I entered a crocheted afghan, didn't qualify for exhibit, a crocheted sweater, missed by one point for qualifying for exhibit, a loaf of bread, missed by 5 points for exhibit and a sewn stuffed animal dog that won 2nd place and $20.00...I was over the moon...


I can only imagine how you feel. Congrats again!

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You know our community is small and this fair is a huge event. when we registered not many others entered crocheted items but what really impressed the fair comittee was my daughter entered a crocheted hat and a knitted one they both won 1st place in the JR division. Not many young people crochet anymore.

Darski I love your signature line

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It took me 60 years to enter my first county fair ...... I don't know what took me so long! I love hearing county fair stories and about all the ribbons.



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Holey cow! Where'd you find time to do all that stuff?

Fun winning ribbons. I got a kick out of mine even though i was the only entry in the "whittled hook from crick wood by fogies" division.

Congratulations on your much more meaningful wins.


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