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Problems with e-PatternsCentral

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Anyone order patterns from e-Patterncentral.com in the last 2 days? I have been trying to order some patterns to make christmas gifts and it keeps saying that it won't accept my credit card. All the information I put in is correct. There is no reason that it should NOT accept it. I'm wondering if their is a glitch in their website?




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Hi Theresa!:flower I just ordered some patterns there. Maybe your bank is having the glitch? Sometimes that happens too. I don't know for sure, but I didn't have any problems with mine.:think

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I wonder what the problem is?? I checked everything out several times...made sure I put in the correct number, correct expiration date, my name is correct...hmmmmmmmmm? I'm perplexed! I might just call them tonight.

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I had a similar problem once (I use a debit Visa card), it was my pay day, and the site (not this site, but another) would not accept my card. So I called my bank, and they said I needed to wait at least 24 hours from the time of my deposite, to use the card. Tried again the next morning, whammo! no probs at all.

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I found out my problem. I called my credit card co. My boys are both into on line gaming and I subscribed for one year for each of them $5/mo to have this service. ALL OF A SUDDEN...they blocked my card because of these charges. They didn't think I should be getting charged twice from the same company each month for the same service. Ah-Ha! After I explained to them my situation, they unblocked my card. LOL LOL


Now maybe I can get my patterns!

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Yarnlover: Whew! What a relief, eh? Was the credit card company NOT going to advise you that your card was blocked? If so, seems wrong to me. What if you had a medical emergency or any emergency for that matter? Just food for thought. :dog

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I guess they called me to verify the on line gaming charges and left a message for me to call back....they must have left it with my kids. I never got the message. So I suppose they just blocked it after not hearing from me.

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I've had this happen a couple of times. Once for buying gas at 3:30am. Another time because my card number got stolen and it was being used fraudulently. While it is a pain, I'm very glad that they're paying close attention!


Another tip: If you are planning on doing international travel and may be using your card, let your credit card company know. They will put something in the computer so charges from your destination will only be accepted on the days you tell them. I've heard lots of stories of people travelling and they get home and realize someone used their credit card in Malaysia to buy a washer and dryer while they were in the air.

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My husband went to Hong Kong for work last year, and he used a credit card for the hotel. While he was flying home, someone used his credit card number to buy a computer. The credit card company phoned me (I was all happy, I thought that my dh was buying ME a computer). Anyway, it turned out that there was a theft ring that at the hotel. They would get the credit card numbers and expiry date off the hotel records.

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