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State Fair Results

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Yesterday was the day - State Fair day! I won five ribbons all told:

  • First place for the Nimble Fingers speed crochet contest
  • Third place in Crochet Home Accessories for my first doily ever
  • Third place in Crochet Granny Afghans for my 63 Squares afghan
  • Second place in Misc. Crochet for my stuffed lion
    and (shocking to me!) 1st place in Bead Jewelry for my crocheted wire and bead bracelet - not crochet... all bead jewelry!

It was so much fun, and I just had to share. :U

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Awesome job, Katherine! Our state fair is going on right now... maybe next year I'll have enough guts to enter in some of my own work. Your teddy bear is just TOO cute!

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congratulations i hope i do half as good as you i entered my cathedral rose window ghan into our state fair judging is tomorrow im so nervous i have never entered anything in the fair before will know next week after the fair opens.

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