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Where were all of the crocheters???

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Yesterday was the Nimble Fingers speed crochet and knitting contests at the Virginia State Fair. I came in first place for the second year in a row! Or, as my husband jokes, I came in third from last.


What does he mean?


Last year there were about 10 crocheters, with a few no-shows. This year there were only three of us (with more no shows :( )


The contest is a lot of fun. It is sponsored by a local yarn & spinning shop, Holly Spring Homespun (the owner has her own farm) and is in the Arts & Crafts exhibit hall. Before the contest we have a little time to talk and scope for our own items in the building, then we crocheted a pattern for 15 minutes (it's a marathon compared to the usual 3 minute speed competitions!). While the judges look over the swatches we get to chat some more, show each other our items, and all of that. One of the three of us had gone to the CGOA conference this year (I wish I had!).


On top of that, when you register for the competition, the State Fair sends you a free ticket for the day, and a priority parking pass right next to the gate. Thursdays are amazing days to be at the fair - just enough of a crowd to not rattle; no lines for anything.


Why am I talking up the contest? Because I want to know where all of the other VA crocheters were! Ok, I concede that it is during the workday. So that could be a strike :U But once a year, and with a lot of advance notice, maybe that could be overcome for some. Maybe you think you're not the speediest of crocheter. Ok, I concede it is called a speed contest. But everyone get's the prize of a mini-crochet conference, not to mention the yarn and hook (handmade wood hooks and Brown Sheep brand yarn this year - lovely!), plus admission to the fair.


Next year I want to lose this competition. I would love there to be 20 crocheters or more in the area. I want to be so overwhelemed by wanting to just visit with my fellow crocheters that I practically forget to stitch! Sign up to recieve the State Fair premiums book (and to register online or by mail) for next year at their webpage - http://www.statefair.org


I know you're out there, crocheters, but where were you yesterday??


There's more about the day and my results at my blog.

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Sorry Katherine but I haven't been to the state fair in a few years. When I first moved to VA I was excited to go. The fairs in CA were great. I was terribly disappointed and the sit is really bad. Nothing like walking all day on black top. So I can't see taking a vacation day.

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When I first moved to VA I was excited to go. The fairs in CA were great. I was terribly disappointed and the sit is really bad. Nothing like walking all day on black top.

They were supposed to move the fair this year, so that it doesn't share space with the Raceway. I'm not sure why it fell through :think


Thank you all. I went to pick up my items at the fair today and was talking to the woman who oversees the Arts and Crafts department. She said that there was such a sharp downturn in attendance for both the speed crochet and speed knit that they may not have it anymore. :no

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They had one of those contest in LaCrosse Wisc. this summer but I was there too early and was not going to spend the whole day waiting when I could be home crocheting away........ :)

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