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Wierdest thing

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The first things I ever crocheted besides practice swatchs... Keep in mind, I was 8 and this is without using a pattern... I made:

-A mumu for my garfield doll... :) It really was an easy pattern... working in rounds... dc straps... Stripes too!!! :) Not bad if I do say so myself...

-Pound puppies' sweater was cute too...

-Neither was as cute as my bra and panties set I made my Cabbage Patch kid!!! :) I should have known this was a bad addiction at that time!!! : ) My mother should have stepped in!!! :)

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Oh my goodness! I made a nosewarmer too! I remember, I was a senior in high school and my parents were taking me to visit my university for the first time. It was like a half-finger with a strap on each side to tie it around your head. Funny!!!!!

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SENSATIVE MATERIAL: warning!!! for those easily offended please do not read any further!


for those still curious, the story goes like this:


i made a boobie pillow for a friend as a gag gift. i replicated it after a character i play in everquest. she's of the dark elf race, and their skin is blue so i fashioned it out of blue yarn. it was a hit! his gma tats, and its something i've always wanted to learn so she was kind enough to send me her shuttle and the book she learned from. well he put them in this box (he received from someone else years ago) that was wrapped in magazine snippets and one of those was a rendition of an oil painting where a woman was bearing one breast. so i felt i had to up the ante and after hunting the net high and low, i found this site called crochet my crotch. (do not click if you are offended easily or have children nearby).


anyhoo, on this site, i found you could purchase "crotch-like" crocheted items. one was a tissue box cover. i figured i could easily replicate it and once again, tweak it to reflect the dark elf. so off to the store i went, grabbed the flesh tones and blue fun fur and crafted a tissue box where the opening is shaped like a vagina! :2eek:faint the pics are not on my blog yet since my friend has not received it and won't until maybe tuesday but for those of you who want to see how mine turned out, it will be posted there mid-week. i'd have to say that this project was definitely the weirdest thing i've ever done! so far...:laughroll

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SENSATIVE MATERIAL: warning!!! for those easily offended please do not read any further!


i found this site called crochet my crotch. (do not click if you are offended easily or have children nearby).


anyhoo, on this site, i found you could purchase "crotch-like" crocheted items. one was a tissue box cover. i figured i could easily replicate it and once again, tweak it to reflect the dark elf. so off to the store i went, grabbed the flesh tones and blue fun fur and crafted a tissue box where the opening is shaped like a vagina! :2eek:faint the pics are not on my blog yet since my friend has not received it and won't until maybe tuesday but for those of you who want to see how mine turned out, it will be posted there mid-week. i'd have to say that this project was definitely the weirdest thing i've ever done! so far...:laughroll


ha ha ha ha ha! I think I wet myself! :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

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also just wanted to say a thank you to those who designed the original box that inspired me to create such a unique gag gift. feel i need to give credit where its due. thanks again!

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I crocheted nipple warmers for my mother when I was 12. She complained about being cold and said how much she would like some nipple warmers. She said that's where she thought the word "nippy" came from. So I just made little rounds out of some fuzzy yarn and put them in a box. She loved them. She even wore them.

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