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Standing Up and Crocheting

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Have I gone over the edge?


Every morning I crochet for a few minutes while my computer is booting up. (I allow myself a few minutes to check email etc before heading off to work.)


This morning, however, I found myself continuing to crochet after I turned off the computer, and I didn't even bother to sit down. I crocheted while standing up! I should have been getting ready for work and not crocheting!


If my parrot didn't climb down his cage in order to attack my feet, I would have kept crocheting! :ducky


What's wrong with me? :lol Do I hate my job :yuck or do I just love crocheting?

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Now there is a serious question. Of course, in order to organize your thoughts so that you can decide which statement is true, you really need to *sit* and crochet a spell. :D:hook

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Haha, I crochet while I am standing all the time! :D Not like that though - I crochet while in a long line at a store, waiting in the hallway before class starts and waiting for a bus to come every morning and night. I have missed the bus before though - I was crocheting at the bus stop and the bus had came and everyone was getting on but I didn't notice and kept on looking down at my work and crocheting. Only when the bus was down the road and turning on the next street did I realize that the bus had already been at my stop and I had missed it! :hook

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LOL, I crochet while walking around my house listening to my children give me their demands. I crochet whenever I don't have anything else in my hands. My coat pockets are big and I just stick the skein in the pocket and go. I don't go anywhere without :hook and my :yarn. I drive my family crazy. :blush

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I was crocheting at the bus stop and the bus had came and everyone was getting on but I didn't notice and kept on looking down at my work and crocheting. Only when the bus was down the road and turning on the next street did I realize that the bus had already been at my stop and I had missed it! :hook


That answers my question:lol . I guess I haven't gone over the edge!

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Now there is a serious question. Of course, in order to organize your thoughts so that you can decide which statement is true, you really need to *sit* and crochet a spell.



:lol :lol :lol :lol Good one! I agree, sit down, crochet and think about this!:lol :lol :lol

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Nope your not alone, I never go anywhere w/o a project, I do have to say I have not mastered the walking and crocheting thing though, I would be tripping over a child or animal. I can't even chew gum and walk at the same time, lol. And the animals like to try to keep us in check, like your parrot, I had my one dog that let me know he wanted my attention and pulled my yarn out of my bag while I was crocheting and had it all over behind my chair, I didn't even realize because I was so into my ghan, until I couldn't pull anymore yarn and realized the dog had my yarn. Hang in there it's a crochet addiction just like the other ladies said.



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I cannot walk and crochet either... and I am grateful for public transportation and taxis cuz now I can crochet on the way to school. And of course I have crocheted standing up! Doesn't everybody???

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I'm so glad I'm not alone! lol


On my workdays I get up at least an hour early so I can drink coffee and crochet.


I do that too! :hook That's the time I do the easy stuff - pot holders, coasters, etc.

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Well, I haven't tried walking or standing while crocheting...yet! But I do get up early to crochet a little before work in the morning, even if it's only five minutes. Hey, that's another row of my jacket/sweater/etc!

And I crochet on my lunch hour

And I've been known to crochet when I know the boss is out of town

I've skipped meals because I've been crochet obsessed

My social life is dwindling due to my addiction -- but I don't even care!!!:drool


I'm sure one of these days I'll find a need for standing and walking with my hook and yarn!

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Is there a treatment facility for this addiction for this like there is for drugs ect.? O wait, that wouldn't work we would all only get worse by sitting and crocheting together.:lol I try and get all my work done at work so that I can sit and crochet. I'm lucky, I work at an assisted living home and have the ok to sit and crochet with the clients that also do it. Only makes it worse. :devil

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