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This site is soooooooooooooo adicting...

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And if I don't get my bum off here, I will NEVER compleate a project :eek !! You folks all do such great work, I love to browse through the show sections...great work, now I MUST get off the computor or I will NEVER have anything to show here...lol..:manyheart:hug

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I soooooooo agree with you! :D I spend so much time oohing over the beautiful creations and downloading free patterns that I want to make that I am very slow in actually making something! :)

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I am feeling deprived because I just got here (12:45 pm) because other stuff kept me busy. I needed my 'Ville fix because everything was going awry without it.


So, I guess I am totally agreeing with you all.

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Hi, I'm Kristen, and I'm a Crochetvilleaholic. (Is that a word? Well, it is now!) Anywho, just wanted to throw in my :2c . Between being on this site and shopping for yarn, it's hard to crochet anything! I swear it's a sickness. A good one, but still a sickness.....

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Well, I have to agree with you a 120%.

I go to school in the morning and half the time I spend here at the ville, I go to work, and when I get back home I need to report back at the ville!! Can't help it!


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:blush:lol Me too!!! I am shocking! I spend every spare chance I get at work here and printing patterns that when I get home I have to spend time organising the patterns that I got that day and then do everything else!!! I normally don't get time after work to crochet-it's only on weekends. :(:no


I told myself last night when I re-categorized my patterns(I can't close the folder anymore) I was not goin to get any patterns today. And then I jump on here and see everybody's creations and patterns and links to other patterns-and yes I have printed off heaps today already!!!!!! I'm on lunch now and can't get in trouble WOOHOO!!!!!!:cheer:clap:hook

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Its good to know there are others out there with the same disorder as me. :) I thought I had alot of projects going on at once with a ton planned before I found this place. Now I have totally lost count of the many things I want to do. I think my DH is learning to hate this place.hehe

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Sooooooooo I am not alone!! Woo Hooo!! Since I have been at this site, my WIP has increased to an unbeilevable number..and the patterns, *** if I don't stop printing them out, I will need more ink :eek :eek :eek and where to put them all, like I am going to have TIME to make everything I WANT too..it goes on and on:think . well, I feel better knowing I am not alone:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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