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Everyone should go to a crochet retreat!

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Our local yarn shop held it's first Crochet Retreat this last weekend! :hook

It was awesome! It was held on Whidbey Island in Washington and it was at a secluded large retreat house overlooking the ocean with a small orchard we could pick from. It was a beautiful craftsman style lodge with a large open area for us to work and lots of windows see commune with nature:) We had 18 women ages 20s to 80s and Nancy Brown of The Crocheter's Companion was our speaker/instructor. :yay

I have to say it was such a great time to learn some new things but especially to see the creativity of all the women and the incredible work they've done. We had lots of show and tell which was so fun and of course some free time to visit the local yarn shop on the island ;)

It Friday thru Sunday morning and now I'm motivated to crochet crochet crochet! I even finished a new pattern I created myself on the way home (just a scarf with curly cues) but now I can't wait to try more things.

So just wanted to share my excitement and encourage you to get your local yarn shop owner to plan something similar! :yes


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Oh, what a joy that would be! I can't even get a group to meet at a home once a week. I am going off to daydream about a retreat centre I know in the Gatineau Hills - filled with lots of cheerful crocheters.

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I would love to do something like this! I have checked into a regional group get together at a local hotel, but can't find open dates til next year. But a retreat, I think I better go rethink my idea. This is way better!

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That sounds like it was so fun. To just have a weekend to crochet with a lot of others that have the same passion as you. It is like a dream come true for you.


I sure wish other groups would do the same. I know they do scrapbooking overnights and other things, but not crochet. :(


I am lucky to be in a church-based group that makes projects for nursing homes, shelters, etc. I enjoy the ladies so much. And I always learn something. It might not be a crochet thing, but I learn just so much from their life experiences. I am the youngest, but they don't seem to mind. I am the only one with kids still in school. And it meets on Fridays, so it kind of gives me a kick for the weekend.


It's fun to just talk and create. :)


I sure wish there was a weekend away in Northern Illinois for Crochet.



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Ok, so what would it take to have a retreat? Is it really necessary to have teachers and all of that?


Since I have recently discovered that I live on the backside of the boonies, I am wondering what it would take to put this together - how low can you go and still be a crochet retreat?


I am thinking quiet B&B someplace semi-rural and an agreement to crochet A pattern. Bring all you need with you. I would love to do this as a Bible retreat with crochet...hmnnnn

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This was thru our local shop Let It Rain Yarn in Mukilteo, WA (she just posted a website now of same name this week but it's in progress)

You really would not need a speaker but Nancy just happen to live here :) so we were lucky!

I think a B&B for 6-8 friends would be great too!

Just bring some show and tell, maybe work on one thing together like a charity hat or shawl, then just crochet your own thing- WA LA-retreat ;)


We are doing it again next year for sure (first week of Oct) and since the site happens to have 2 lodges and we only used one we are going to combine it with the knitters and have a combo retreat. How fun! Maybe learn a little from each camp so to speak ;)

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You are so lucky! I have yet to find a few other crocheters in my neck of the woods that can pull up a couple times a month... sigh ! If you have any pictures from the retreat, you should post them for us!

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Hey, Ann, if you get a few minutes to type it in, could you post a very rough outline of the schedule for this retreat?


I am planning a women's creativity retreat for the ladies at my church, and I'm still debating on how I want to organize things. My personal preference is to have the actual "study sessions" on maybe a biweekly basis at the church, and then organize the actual retreat as a very loose and open type of event, with lots of free time for crafting and socializing, with a variety of classes to choose from at different times, all optional.


I would love to know how the timing of events/activities was structured, if you don't mind sharing.


And if anybody would like to attend a creativity retreat in north Alabama in the February 2007 timeframe, send me a PM! (Just keep in mind it's through my church--United Methodist--so would be Christian-based.)

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Darski, you're too funny!:lol Maybe we could organize a retreat here by regions, or get all of us together in a central location? That would be a blast!:cheer Just a thought....

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You all have to instigate this ladies ;)

My LYS had a knitting retreat and fellow c-ville member "Angelhair" and I complained (in a nice way) that we wanted a crochet retreat too. The LYS owner said to start recruiting people since she'd need at least 12 to make it pay for itself so we started advertising here, word of mouth, and with a crochet guild branch in neighboring cities. When the owner that she had enough interest she made it official. :)

But really all you'd have to do is set up a day long thing at a church or library for free space and start advertising at the lys and michael's maybe and you might be suprised how many crocheters you can gather in one place :) Bring a free snacks, show and tell and what a great day you'd have.

Do it Do it! It'll be fun! LOL

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The only location I have to contact others is at either Walmart or Zellers yarn sections. I wonder if they would post a flyer at the desk or something if I made something that would be interesting and funny? there have to be others out there even if I can't find them on a Wed. night.


I have to go there anyway so I might just try it. The worst that will happen is that they will say no.

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You are all so lucky!!!!


I would desperatley love to do this!!!


I live in Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia and have tried to find fellow crocheters in my area through this site but have had no luck!!


I would love to hold something like that but I would love to have a crochet buddy too!!!!!

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I would LOVE to host something like this where I am in Charleston SC...would anyone be interested???


:dreamingIt would be fabulous! I would love to do something like this, of course I don't know how I could with work, school and a husband but I could definitely try! :sigh


Ann I am jealous!:drool

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