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I am a dope. And I'm looking for sympathy.

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Argh! I'm such an idiot. I'm (trying to) make the Sweet Pea cardigan from the Spring 2006 Interweave Crochet for my six-year old daughter. It's a simple pattern -- all SC, easy shaping -- but what makes it special is the ribbon embroidery of flowers on the finished product. I'm using lavendar Skacel Meteora that I got on an amazing deal at Herrschner's which has amazing stitch definition because there's no ply to it -- it's a skinny knit tube -- so it makes a perfect canvas for the embroidery.


So, the directions are for chest circumferences of 21, 23, 25, and 27 inches. I measure my kid. She's got a 22 inch chest. So I make the pattern for 23 inches and never check it against her.


Well, the dang thing is a toddler sweater (yes, it's a toddler in the picture, I TOLD YOU I'm a dope) and even though 23 is the right size for her chest, it's going to be awfully tight on her. I can lengthen the sleeves but I can't lengthen the body panels without ripping them out entirely. There's lace trim on the bottom of the body so I'm going to extend the lace pattern to the right length. But if she can wear it at all, it'll only be for a very little while.


It's SUCH a pretty pattern and the Meteora gave such nice stitch definition that I'll probably finish it and give it to my tiny niece if myt own kid can't wear it at all, and then make it in the biggest possible size for my own kid, but I REALLY NEED TO THINK THESE THINGS THROUGH BEFORE I START. Also, the kid doesn't seem freakishly skinny to me, but apparently 23" is a normal chest circumference for a much smaller kid.


Augh, augh, augh. At least it's an extremely simple pattern. But still, argh.




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Don't feel bad. We all make mistakes. Some, like myself, more than others! :lol Just chalk it up to you were so excited to make something pretty for your daughter, the measurements didn't even cross your mind! I'm sure your niece will enjoy it. On the plus side, you get to buy more yarn to make one for your dd! :hook:hug

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i am so with you on this one. I was working on the Lacy Sweater - it is a really neat idea but the pattern has a flaw in that the sleeves get too few of the shells - just one more shell in each sleeve would have made it work and then the body would not be so wide, I knew from the moment I separated the body from the yoke that it was wa-a-a-a-a-ay wide and I went on with it. it is now a series of Frogged balls of yarn as I had to rip out from the bottom ribbing - not fully finished. I too had checked standard measurements for kids patterns and that seemed to jibe with what I wanted size-wise


I knew it was wrong just by the look of it but did I listen to me? No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!

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my first and only attempt at a wearable was a pattern for slippers using a double ended hook. The problem was a bit different, but the result is the same. I started making the first slipper, the pattern just said to use a crochenit hook (double-ended). So I start stitching and as I am stitching I am thinking I like the way this is going it felt really comfortable and I am picturing myself getting lots of use out of these slippers. Since I am a beginner, and this was a first project, I was using inexpensive yarn. Each skein was less than $2.00. As I am stitching I am thinking this is fairly simple and I was suprised at how well it is going. Well I get to the second page of the pattern and it says to sew the ends together. I look at what I have done so far and I am thinking, either I have done something wrong or this pattern is made for a really small foot. I followed the directions exactly but I think my hook was smaller than the one used for the pattern. I didn't make the second slipper, and the first is still sitting in the wip bin waiting for me to decide what to do with it. It looks like a capital T. don't know what to do with it other than make it a lesson to pay attention to hook size and gauge in the future.:lol



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:hug You poor thing! My heart goes out to you... I know EXACTLY what sweater you're talking about and it is SO adorable.
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I feel your pain. I worked up a sweater for DS after finishing one for my DD and the neck was way too tight. the rest was okay. He was soo disappointed...I made it this summer, so he couldn't even try it on till a few weeks ago. (He wanted to wear it the day I finished it, but it was about 110 outside, and muggy besides)...on the bright side, I get to go yarn shopping again. Seems to me, the neck DID look small as I made it, but afterall the pattern was published in a book, so it had to be right, right?! wrong!

My sympathies to you. I hope your DD can wear it at least long enough for px!

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Don't feel bad! I made a sweater for my SIL once with just his measurements. I used homespun yarn and it stretched so much with the weight you coulda put both of us in it! lol!:rofl

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Thank you, that makes more sense.


Since my brain left on vacation last week, I am finding it a challenge to understand much of anything. (even my corrections had to be corrected today...don't ask)

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Aww...I totally understand. I made a sweater for my son when he was 2 and he wore it (with a scowl) long enough for a picture. I came out really bulky and I didn't blame him for not wanting to wear it.


Then I made a cardigan for myself that ended up with sleeves past my finger tips and ties on the front, to my knees. I feel like a munchkin in it. :)


I feel your pain...

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Definitely my simpathy!!! For some reason every time that I crochet something I just jump to do it without looking for details, and by the time I finish I end up with something either too small or awfully big.

I know! We need to pay more attention

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:lol :lol I am not laughing at you but at the situation. I have been there before! After a bit of :bang I frogged the whole thing and started over. Was very frustrated :thair and what makes it worse is I keep doing it.


I always assume that I know what I am doing and the pattern is correct! Nit wit would be a good description.

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