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What Am I To Do?!?!

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I think I might cry, it's just that terrible. Ok....so I do most of my pattern searching on line, and since I'm horribly disorganized and am forever losing things, I just put them in my crochet favorites folder so I'll always know where to find them. No big deal right? Wrong! Something went screwy with our computer, and without telling me first, my husband decided to wipe it out completely and start over from scratch. So I lost EVERY pattern that I had (minus the books obviously) but all my favorite ones were on the computer. One more thing to discourage me from crocheting. It's a sad day!

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Awwww, that IS sad indeed! :( If you want to look at the bright side, if there is one, you can know that those patterns that you saved are still on the internet. You just have to find all those favorites of yours.....unless you did some scanning and saving. I like to backup my pattern list, by printing them out and putting them in binders. I am deeply sorry for your loss.....losing favorite patterns is a devastating experience.

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I am so sorry for both of you. To lose pics of dear family members is so hard.


For, in stitches, you can have the fun of getting all those lost ones and adding new at the same time... one little suggestion: CD's

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To save pictures and patterns, I have made myself several email addresses such as at yahoo or gmail; and in addition to storing them on my computer I email myself a picture to those 'storage addresses'. In the case of yahoo, just be sure to check back at each address monthly so they don't delete your account.

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I'm so sorry, InStitches. . . what a blow :(


Here are a couple of threads that might help get you started again, with loads of links posted after the same thing happened to other members.




I know this is no comfort to you now but. . . for anyone like me who would be lost without all their links, it is really easy to make a monthly backup of your Favorites/bookmarks somewhere safe, like a floppy disk or CD, in case of disaster.


If you use IE, you can use the File. . .Export function, or simply copy what you want from the Favorites folder. In Firefox all the bookmarks are in one file so that is all you need copy. (The latest versions do make an automatic backup in the program folder, but it's still worth making another to keep off the computer.) If anyone would like walking through it, feel free to PM or email me.

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You have my sympathy. My spouse is pretty good at letting me know when he's going to blow away the hard drive and re-install Windows, but a couple of weeks ago the computer just crashed without warning. Everything was GONE! Pictures, favorites, Word documents, all kinds of important stuff irretrievably gone. Wah!

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:eek Here are a couple of places for you.


There is a wee error in this as someone else pointed

Row 3 should have the * before the SK.




I have not tried this one but it looks nice.



I have not tried these either.



This little Angel is very cute.



Lots to look at here.


Hope this will help ease the loss and start a new collection.

Then there is Lionbrand etc to look at.


:hug Lynned1952, so sad to lose your sister and her pictures.:hug

Can you ask friends and family members to see if they have any to replace them for you.

I have just had a Computer problem but my pictures are quite safe. I do have a CD burner/writer (whichever) so when I learn how to, I will copy all my pictures onto CDs.

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I to have learned the hard way. I am sorry you lost all your patterns. I now burn everything to a CD once a month, that is the pictures and patterns I have saved. Actually the guys at work tell me I should do a backup of the whole computer but I haven't quite figured out how to do that. Guess I should get that thought out and done!

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First of all : smack your husband for wiping the hardrive without telling you first, tht was terribly inconsiderate. Next, and this is the one thing people never do, but it is the only way to make sure you do not loose things, patterns, bookmarks, pictures::back-up everything that is important to you to keep.

Do it on a monthy/weekly baisis, set a schedule and just do it. It very easy: just copy the imprtant things to a cd, flash drive, whatever you choose . This would prevent most things from being lost. Please don't use the "I don't know anything about computers" excuse, you didn't know anything about crocheting, driving, cooking , riding a bike, or anything until you learnd(sp?) it. So if you don't know how , get a book,ask a friend , or just read all the stuff that came with the computer. It's not hard, just different.

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Good suggestions, everyone. I would be in trouble if the same thing happened...I guess I need to start making backups.


How about telling us what the names or descriptions of as many patterns as you can remember are? I bet a lot of us have them bookmarked! We could help.

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You guys are the BEST! I knew I wasn't alone out here! I'll see if I can't figure out how to describe the patterns and see if any of you have them. Thanks to all of you!

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How about telling us what the names or descriptions of as many patterns as you can remember are? I bet a lot of us have them bookmarked! We could help.


What an excellent idea. I know how upset I would be if I lost everything. If you need replacements by all means let us know. I have hundreds of patterns that I have downloaded. I would be happy to help you.

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I am so sorry to hear this, InStitches. I'm a bit anal on some topics, so I do like Losingmymind and have email addies for keeping copies AND burn the files onto cd's. (hey, I admitted I was anal on some topics, my patterns are 1 of them :D )lol. I do wish you luck in refinding your old patterns. If you remember a pattern and can't find it yourself, I'm sure someone on here may have a way to find it for you in order to help out.


huggerz hun,


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I don't fully trust computers so I am drowning in paper copies of patterns, then can't find the one I want (I never can stay on top of the filing) and have to go searching the internet...

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