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We don't need no stinkin ponchos

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I should probably just mention that my title is about a long-standing joke line and does not necessarily reflect my views on ponchos.


My views on ponchos largely depend on the poncho - there are several that could make WNTC and others that will be around forever. :hook

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I personally was never a poncho person myself, but after they were popular for awhile I made one for my six year old DD, and it was wonderful!!!! She loved it, and no more fighting to put on a sweater on a cool morning.


As for styles, I think the traditional triangular shaped poncho is out. But capes, caplets and shrugs are still very much in. I see many patterns being defined as capes, that are actually ponchos, just not in the triangular shape.


In all my theory is - if you like it - make it and wear it. Everyone needs to have their own style.



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Well, if poncho's and shawls are dead and gone, then somebody needs to clue in these ladies in my area. I see them everywhere in all styles and shapes including triangular. Like some one else mentioned, I've not seen a lot of the heavy blanket type poncho's, most of them are lacy open work worn over pretty sweaters or tanks. I've never been one to follow fashion trends either. For instance wide legged jeans. I thought they were hideous in the '70's and still are. but they have been the rage for a while. I still wear my straight leg Levis, and nobody stares at me :) In preparation for the fall, I just finished making myself an Easy Peasy poncho in red RH Plush, and I plan to wear it proudly. I'm never swayed in my dress style, by what others may think is outdated or out of style, I dress for me. And that usually means jeans t-shirts and tennis shoes. If you like it, and its comfortable, wear it. YOU just may be the one to bring it back in fashion. And if it doesn't come back in fashion, who cares? Wear it anyway. Fashion trends are fickle, and fickle is a word that could not be used to describe me.

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Did ya'll see the completely uncrocheted blanket pancho with "Guadalajara" splashed all over it that "Ugly Betty" wore to her first day at work at a high-powered fashion magazine (TV show on WABC that premiered this week)? Hilarious!


***, I just watched "Ugly Betty" last night, and saw that and laughed my butt off. That was the most singularly hideous thing I've ever seen! I wonder if they made it special for the show, or if someone, somewhere, is actually selling it?


At least it wasn't crocheted :lol !

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I have never seen one single poncho in our area, even when they were popular. That said, I think they are cute for little girls, and there are some nice patterns.It just never caught on here, I guess, nor shawls, either, although my church is starting a program to make prayer shawls for disabled and people at home. (I hate the words shut-in). Some of these are really beautiful. They are a nice alternative to lapghans.

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I have never seen one single poncho in our area, even when they were popular.
I can almost say this...I only saw a poncho once, worn on a little girl. It looked cute on her.


IMO, ponchos tend to be fattening for women, which may be why they never caught on in my area either. No one I know wants to look larger :lol

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Where I live, you never see ponchos sold in stores anymore. Okay, I did see some really cheap, tacky ones in the accessories section in a dept. store, and they were so ugly I couldn't imagine paying money for them. I began taking note of how many women I saw wearing ponchos after that. A few years ago when they bacame "in" again, you saw some, but not a lot of people wearing them. I think in the past year, I've seen maybe one or two women with them on. I'm no around kids enough to know if they wear them.


Still, I'm doing an open house next month and have made a couple of child sized ponchos and one or two women's caplets just to see if they will sell.


Back before I crocheted, I bought 2 ponchos when the trend was big. I too looked HUGE in mine so I very rarely wore them. Nice concept, just not right for me.

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