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Crocheting in the Dark

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Last night our power went out, and I found myself crocheting by candlelight - an OTT Lamp it's not! I blogged a little bit about the experience here:http://katecrochets.blogspot.com/2006/09/crocheting-in-dark.html


I know denizens of C'ville come in all varying abilities, and even varying levels of vision. How many of you can crochet in the dark, or are there certain things that you find easier to crochet in low-light than others?


Do you crochet long after the light has left the sky (or by the map light) on car trips? Do you drag a hook and skein into the movie theater? Do you sneakily stitch in bed after the lights go out?

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On a MAJOR repetitive piece, I have crocheted by dashboard light (Oooh, "I found paradise by the dashboard light!"), but frankly, I don't crochet all that great in full light, so I really don't dare risk it!

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i could probably do my giant granny square afgans in low light possibly even the dark only cause I can feel where i need to put the stitches but anything else I would probably need to see what i was doing.

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WalMart has a whole variety of small "head lamp" type lights..very inexpensive... which would be great to use when you want to crochet in a low or no light situation. Most have an adjustable elastic band that the light fits on and the light can be tilted to the correct angle.


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On Saturday I was at an outdoor concert, and I continued crocheting way past sunset. When I looked at it in the light of day... I had so many mistakes I had to frog most of it .:thumbdown



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