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Nearly done but don't wanna finish-itis?


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So, I'm very nearly done with the stole/fake pashmina I'm making for a friend's daughter.


It's been a real bear of a project, as I didn't use a pattern, used two different stitches, with two different multiples, so I had a bit of fudging to do to get the two to work together and I used Caron Simply Splitty, I mean Simply Soft yarn.


And, I have abour three rows of the easier of the two stitches left to do, and then I just have to put on an edging and some fringe, and I'm done.


Maybe three hours worth of work, if that.


But, I keep finding other things to do. Like spend an hour and a half at the library, reading the most ghastly crochet pattern books from the early '80s. Good gravy marie, who told them that dolman sleeves looked good??? And no, thank you, I do NOT want a sweater made out of puke green and orange granny squares. 7 inch granny squares.


See, even now, I'm posting here instead of working on the stole.


I think I secretly don't want to part with the darn thing.


Editing to say: my title does NOT have a cuss word in it, lol! It says "Finish Itis", no space, lol!

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Tiga, you are not alone....


It's our defense mechanism. If you start more projects (or just plain procrastinate), then you don't have to finish and move on. I think it's a lot easier to accomplish something for ourselves, as we know we will truly appreciate it. When giving it to someone else, I have found my enthusiasm to finish is directly proportional to how much I think someone will appreciate it. Moral of the story: I ONLY make things for people who I KNOW will love it and cherish things.


You'd be surprised how much easier it is to finish WIPs!

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It does sound like a long and frustrating process, but it also sounds like it will be gorgeous when it's all done. I have more half finished projects than I'd like to admit, so I know how you're feeling! Can't wait to see a pic of it!

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Well, I know that my friend will appreciate it, as will her daughter. I think that I'm secretly worried she won't like it or think it was worth the $$$ she sent me.


I offered to make it for free, but she said she's send something to cover the yarn. No problem - I was originally going to make a simple fishnet stitch wrap using Homespun. Easy-peasy.


Then, my dorky friend sent me $80! Holy granola!!! So, I had to go buy slightly better yarn (but still washable and suitable for a 10 year old girl) and I worked really hard to make the thing worth $80, hence the fancy-pants stitches.


I'm afraid I'll send it to her (after working on it for like, two and half months), and she'll think "I sent her $80 for this homemade thing??". But, she knew that I've only been doing this since the early summer of this year, and that crocheted stuff doesn't look like knitted and in no way resembles a real pashmina, so I guess she's just a really nice friend!


Oh, and here's a pic of it when I only had two sections done:




The bottom section is a wavy fan stitch, done with double and triple crochet instead of the usual double and single and the middle section is a soft fan stitch with crossed triples.


The top section, not pictured, is another section of wavy fan stitch. That is the part I'm nearly done with. I'm going to add a shell or fan border on the top and bottom, to act as sort of a "collar", and the recipient as requested fringe, as well, so that will go on the sides.


It's basically a giant, fancy scarf, lol!

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Oh my goodness, those stitches are simply AWESOME!!! I think that the recipient will REALLY appreciate/LOVE it!


You are so not alone. I am working on a project right now that is about 5% away from being done...sadly it is sitting like a lump on my bedside table. I am doing EVERYTHING in the world NOT to finish it. And yet, it has to be done!!!

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Tiga, I am exactly the same. I'll get a project almost to completion with only the last few steps, but have the hardest time actually getting it done.


I know how much better I feel when I actually finish it, so I'm not sure why I put it off, but I do. :think

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Just a couple of days ago, I had about three stitches to finish some project and I was actually going to go and check the computer instead. sheesh.


I had to talk to myself in a rather sharp manner to do those three stitches... what was I thinking? :hook:D

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I'm at the same place. I just made a poncho for my daughter. Just about done, but I need to make the neck smaller...it's falling off her shoulders. Won't take me a long time, but I don't wanna do it! I thought I was done, but I'm not, so I'm working on socks now....lol We feel you pain!


Oh! And let's not forget the king sized granny square afghan I made.....been finished over a year and I still haven't weaved all the ends in. Hubby has a fit everytime he sees the strings hanging out....lol Why doesn't he finish it? A little sewing never hurt anyone!

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This is so funny - WHY do we DO that? LOL!!

I definitely have a problem finishing things...I think sometimes I get bored with them, they take too long, or after spending so much time working on them I've fallen in love with other patterns. Who knows, but it irritates me when I do it!! :blush

Now I'm DEFINITELY going to try to finish all my projects. Except the cardigan I started this morning. And the blanket that I'm signed up to make too...oh !!!!!!!

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:sofunny I totally know what you are going through. that is such a pretty color and the stitches are as well.

Just jump in there . Sometimes that is what I have to do. !!

I suffer from deep depression and sometimes that is the only way to do anything is just jump in and do something.

I love the lavender color. you are doing a very good job. Keep on at it. It will eventually get done.

Me? I have to many things started at once. :cheer :cheer :cheer Horray , you can do it.:clapPINKROSES

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I have a blanket that is almost done that has been sitting in a basket for 2 years and a blnket Iam now currently working on again which i put down a year ago....I told myself no new projects untill I finsh and boy do i have itchy fingers to start something new....

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I have this problem with finishing my 200 Crochet Block afghan, but I have made significant progress with it lately, so I guess I'm over the hump.


But I still need to edge it and weave in the ends!

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I'm struggling to finish an afghan for my honey. It is just getting SO big that it's hard to fool with. It's plenty long enough for me right now, but since he's a good 7 inches taller than I am, it needs to be just a little eensy weensy bit longer to cover him all they way up. If I hadn't told him I was making it for him, I would keep it for myself. :P

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