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Ebay bidding gone wild

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I have to admit that I bidded on this super cute pattern, but had to stop at $25.00. yes, I stopped at $25.00 I hate to admitt. But its way cute!



when I was little I had one of the weeblo's treehouse doll houses and loved playing with it. Now this comes along, I want one!!!!!!! maybe she will put them on her website in the future. I can't believe I bid it up to $25.00 don't tell my hubby!!!

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Hmm I'm thinking I need to sell some of my wierd patterns :lol It's really cute but I just don't think I would ever spend that on 1 pattern ;) It's not break the bank kinda money but usually the books I buy with lots of patterns in them are under $25. I won't tell ;)

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At the moment I can't think of a pattern I'd spend $25 on, but I bet at least one exists. Besides -- you weren't bidding on just ONE pattern -- you were bidding for an entire set. SOOOO, you weren't actually paying $25 for one pattern, but considerably less. It just happens that the patterns are grouped together.

So don't feel bad (feel silly, if you want, but not bad).


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Those are very cute! Sorry it got to high for you. And don't feel too bad about $25 for the pattern (set), you ought to see the prices for the leaflet that has Annie's Cathedral Rose Window pattern in it. They can get nearly $50, so you're not alone in the silly bid wars. :)

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I have to admit that I bidded on this super cute pattern, but had to stop at $25.00. yes, I stopped at $25.00 I hate to admitt. But its way cute!



when I was little I had one of the weeblo's treehouse doll houses and loved playing with it. Now this comes along, I want one!!!!!!! maybe she will put them on her website in the future. I can't believe I bid it up to $25.00 don't tell my hubby!!!


Well Christina considering how much money I just spent at Joann's while my hubby is out of town hunting, I won't tell if you don't. However if you really want the pattern, here is a link to here web site. I'll bet you can get it as soon as the auction is over or mabe even now. http://www.kathleenearly.com/

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The designer (Kathleen Early) of these patterns has her own website, surprisingly called: http://www.kathleenearly.com/. Write and ask her if she has the set available for purchase directly from the artist. While you're at it, ask her if her Elvis pattern will become available again anytime soon!:D

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It really is very cute :yes , but I just don't have that kind of money to spend on one pattern :no . I really wanted (want) the 3-D Noah's Ark from Annie's Attice, but that goes from $50-80. I can purchase a whole bunch of patterns and yarn for that kind of dough. I am bidding on a Nativity from AA as we speak, actually need to go check that auction, but I am only going to $12.00. But again, this is very cute, and probably out of print like so many of the really good ones are.

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Actually, I don't think it's out of print...the auction text made it sound like it was brand-newly designed and will be out soon on her website. Yay! We are so blessed to be surrounded by such talented crochet designers everywhere!

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Those are very cute! Sorry it got to high for you. And don't feel too bad about $25 for the pattern (set), you ought to see the prices for the leaflet that has Annie's Cathedral Rose Window pattern in it. They can get nearly $50, so you're not alone in the silly bid wars. :)

I bid on one last month that went for $72

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thanks for her website address. I will send an email off to her. it looks like her patterns are really affordable, but if she is getting these high prices on ebay she may not put it up on her website for a while. mmmmm... maybe I can design one myself..... I have an empty milk gallon container..... and possibly some time tomorrow!

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