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Finding time to crochet!!

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Where do you guys fit in your crochet time? I am a homeschooling mother, work PT and have my own busines among volunteer work I do. I guess one could say I am a tad busy. :)


I try to take projects to meetings, appts and such. And I try to sneak in time if I am listening to a child read or something.


That's one reason I don't do big projects because I would be frustrated with it taking soooo long to get done. lol


Oh yeah, and I take it to sporting events. But that is coming to an end with winter around the corner.


I am not a TV watcher so that is out.


Anyway, wondered what tips you all had for sneaking in time. :)

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I've been having trouble fitting the time in as well. I'm an officer in four campus organizations and in the student senate. With that, classes, and friend stuff, I hardly have time to do anything. Lately I've been finding time while studying as the hand movement helps me concentrate on my reading but other than that, it's hard.

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Pretty much the same way you do, whenever and where I can find the time. If I know I'm going to be sitting still for more than 5 minutes, I usually grab a project to work on. I've even been known to stay up til the wee hours if I'm close to finishing a project (or if I get caught up in one and don't want to put it down).

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You can do what I used to do when I wanted to read - fake a long, relaxing bath. Fill up the tub, put the lid down on the toilet, and read for 30 to 45 minutes. Swish around the water every now and then spend the last 10 minutes actually taking that bath :-)

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Same problem here!!! I go to school part time and I have a full time job, so by the time I get home I just want to sleep. So I leave some afternoons for it and also at least half of my day off its dedicated to crochet!!(Got to take care of other things too!)

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I crochet when watching tv, I am lucky if I watch more than 4 hours a week. I crochet when my son has extracurricular activities on the weekends and that is about 2 max. I also try to crochet when he does he daily reading to me so that is about 30 minutes a day.


So I estimate I can get from 7-10 hours a week if I am lucky and providing my carpal tunnel syndrome does not act up.

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Hi Friends,


Yes, it is hard to have time to yourself to crochet. Here are some of my ideas that may help you find some time. I know it is hard in our busy schedules.


1. If you take the bus or train, bring along a project. Often, when I take the kids to Chicago on the train, I bring a project and work on it on the way. Or if your spouse drives, you can crochet then.


2. Find a group in your area that meets once a week or so. I belong to a group that meets every Friday morning, so that is my crochet time.


3. Stay up after kiddies go to bed.


4. Always have crochet with you so that if you are stuck in lines, or waiting for appointments, you can get a few minutes in.


5. Give yourself a "crochet break". On Saturdays, when I am cleaning, I usually give myself 15-20 minutes every 2 or 3 hours of cleaning. If you worked in an office, you would get a coffee break, so why not a crochet break.


6. Bring crochet to school. Crochet on your lunch time. It may be a way to meet more people.


7. Always bring crochet to sporting events. You can watch your kids and still have time for you. My daughter is involved in swimming and my son is into basketball, so I have lots of time to crochet!


Just give yourself permission to have some crochet time. Sometimes, we are so busy with our lives, that we forget to do things for ourselves. So make this something you do for you. Have time to relax and crochet!


I crochet about an hour a day. If I don't, I get crabby!


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I just wanted to add that if time is limited, work on smaller projects so that you can accomplish it. It feels good when something is completed. Hats, scarves, baby things, etc. can all be done in less time than afghans, and there is such a sense of wellbeing after you have finished the task.


I hope my suggestions helped!:manyheart :manyheart

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Finding time to crochet is the same as finding time for anything else you *really* want to do. We MAKE time for things that are important to us, like being an officer in organizations, going to PT , doing volunteer work, doing maintenance on the sailboat and going sailing( my other passion), or any other thing we decide we just *have* to do. It's just a matter of setting priorities and deciding what you really, really , really want to do with your time. Even when I had 4 children at home and had to do all the things that go along with being a working mom, I always set aside sometime each day just to crochet, or crosstitch, or whatever my current hobby of choice was..that hour was my" save my sanity" time. I still manage to find time to do those things I really want to do, no matter how busy my schedule is.

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I think that's the question we all face every day! I know there are times where I don't crochet for weeks at a time. But I like to crochet while I'm watching TV - specifically football! So, I get a lot of crochet done in the fall (and now that I have cable, I have access to football goodness 5 days a week!). I don't bring projects on the bus to work, that's when I get my reading done (and since I am commuting about 2-3 hours a day, I'm getting lots of reading done).

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hello to everyone here, i guess i am one of the most blesed people because i am allowed to crochet at work. I am a 911 call taker and work from 11pm to 7 am and during the time the phone is not ringing i can crochet. I take my bag everynite and it sure does help the time go by. I get alot of projects done. I try not to work on anything to big while there but sure does make it nice.

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You don't have to brag!!!! :D


Seriously, tho that's great you can do that!


As far as working on things in the car. I sure wish I didn't get car sick!!! UGH We are going on 20 hour trip in a few weeks think of what I COULD get done if I could. lol

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I too can crochet at work :) As a adult foster care provider the residents don't require much help with anything so I have plenty of time ;) most of them go to bed by 8:00 pm. So that allows me plenty of time.

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TV time is my crocheting/knitting time. I try to get an hour or so in, unless I'm busy in the evening.


Do you have a friend who's especially long-winded on the phone? That's also perfect crocheting/knitting time...


Also, I ALWAYS get up an hour earlier than I have to, and spend that time doing the daily crossword and whatever project I'm working on. Usually, I pick the morning to work on anything that requires concentration, as no one is up yet, demanding my attention. Even the animals are relatively mellow that hour of the morning (provided they've been fed :lol ).

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